Cees Hek wrote:
On Sun, 05 Dec 2004 17:50:53 -0500, Michael Peters
Right now they are incompatible. This is not because of the way
CAP::Apache deals with http headers but because CAP::Session assumes
your query object has a 'cookie()' method.

You can still use both modules together if you don't mind doing a few
things manually that CAP::Session normally does for you.  You will
have to pass the session ID to session_config, and you will ahve to
turn the automatic cookie header generation off for now.

You are exactly right. But I think we can make them completely compatible :)

This will be resolved in the
next release of CAP::Apache. As per the suggestion of many on this list
and elsewhere, I am working on a compatibility layer between CGI.pm and
Apache::Request for CAP::Apache. This will be turned on/off through
httpd.conf directives.

That would be great. I am planning on changing the cookie generation code in CAP::Session for the next release to directly use CGI::Cookie. However, checking for the session ID will stay the same (ie check for a cookie using $self->query->cookie, then check for a query parameter using $self->query->param).

It sounds like the new compatibility layer will handle both ways which
is great.  Michael, If you find any other compatibility issues between
CAP::Session and CAP::Apache while you develop your compatibility
layer, just let me know and we can try and resolve them before your
next release.

Thanks alot. I'll be sure to send you a test version before the release on CPAN to make sure that everything works.

Michael Peters
Plus Three, LP

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