William McKee wrote:
This seems to be working well but my question is is there a better way?

Hi Jaldhar,

In my experiences with Perl and C::A, I've discovered that there's
always a better way. The question is whether it's worth the effort to
pursue. Against the advice of the C::A creator, I and many others on the
list have successfully used this method of authenticating and
authorizing access to runmodes.

However, I have begun to take Jesse's advice to use Apache's (or
whatever webserver you are using) built-in support for authen/authz
phases to reduce the amount of code I write. I use Apache::Cookie which
works fine for authentication (determining that a user is who s/he says
s/he is) but I have not used it to do authorization (granting access to
pages based on rights).

I usually do the same thing. And like you said, it usually reduces the amount of code that I write as well. But I do both authentication and authorization.

In some respects, the method you've described seems easier to me for
handling authorization. Cees suggestion from the Wiki[1] is to break out
runmodes into separate modules to handle authorization. It's workable
but sometimes seems a bit redundant.

I try to combine these two approaches. For instance, by using CGI::Application::Dispatch I have urls that look like this:


Which translates into using the Admin::Users application module (in which I place all functionality relating to users that an admin would use) with the run mode 'search'.

I can then do something like this in my httpd.conf file to protect access to that module:

  <LocationMatch "/app/admin_.*">
      Require group admin

This would mean that all of my application modules in the Admin::* namespace would be protected without having to do anything else. Now all I would have to do is right the PerlAuthenHandler and PerlAuthzHandler to determine who the user is and then if they are in the 'admin' group.

And if I wanted to protect some method, or group of methods in a different application module, then I could do the following:

  <LocationMatch "/app/public_stuff/admin_.*">
      Require group admin

This would mean that all run modes in the Public::Stuff application module that begin with 'admin_' would also be protected.

Hope that gives you even more ideas.

-- Michael Peters Developer Plus Three, LP

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