Steve Comrie wrote:
Hope everyone on the list had a happy holidays & great new year ..

I recently got some requirements for a new project that involved a shopping
cart application. Aside from building the standard shopping cart portion of
the site (all C::A driven .cgi files), the site needed other regular .html
pages to display a running total of the current shopping contents.

Without getting into too much server wizardry, changing my programming
paradigm completely or switching to .php I came across what I believe to be
a fairly simple solution that draws on the strengths of php's inline parsing
combined with all of the C::A code I already had written for session
management, configuration, templating, etc.

I might be missing something, but seems to me like you're just reinventing SSI. Have you looked at mod_include ? It would be much faster than having to bring php into the mix.

<?php call_cgi( '/cgi-bin/cart.cgi', 'rm=runningtotal' ); ?>

<!--#exec cgi="/cgi-bin/cart.cgi" -->


 <!--#include virtual="/cgi-bin/cart.cgi?rm=runningtotal" -->

would be the SSI equivalents.

Or you could even do something like (although not necessarily C::A based)

  <!--#perl sub=Cart::runningtotal arg=foo arg=bar -->

-- Michael Peters Developer Plus Three, LP

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