Sean Davis wrote:
This is a bit off-topic....

I have a cgi::app running as a mod_perl handler. I handle authen/authz via the handler, also, and log username with each request. This all works as expected. However, I also serve static HTML, CSS, and images as part of the site, some of which are shared between other cgi::apps. I would like to move away from keeping all this extraneous material in htdocs toward having project-specific directories to improve my own sanity, not to mention things like logging and access control. Any suggestions on how to do this in a mod_perl framework (or best-practices, in general)? Below is what I have in my httpd.conf file right now.

Right now, I think one of the best examples of best practices when using C::A in a large project that runs under mod_perl is krang (

I am also planning on releasing (sometime in the next few months) the source for an application that I've been doing on the side. Krang uses H::T, CGI and Class::MethodMaker, where as my app uses TT, Apache::Request and Class::DBI. Two sides of the same C::A coin.

I think the general directory layout (relative to the project root) is something like...

/lib        => perl modules
/conf       => configuration files
/templates  => template files
/logs       => application logs
/bin        => any scripts for starting/stoping/testing/etc
/htdocs     => images, css, javascript, etc

I use CGI::Application::Dispatch to make urls easier, get rid or instance scripts (or make my httpd.conf file cleaner) and have my authz/authen be based on the path. Assuming my project is in '/sites/myapp' my httpd.conf (or at least my application specific portion in a vhost) file might look something like this:

DocumentRoot        /sites/myapp/htdocs

<Directory "/sites/myapp/htdocs">
    Options         Indexes
    AllowOverride   None
    Order           allow,deny
    Allow           from all

ErrorLog            /sites/myapp/logs/error_log
PerlRequire         /sites/myapp/conf/
PerlTaintCheck      On
PerlModule          MyApp::Handler

<Location /app>
    SetHandler          perl-script
    PerlHandler         CGI::Application::Dispatch
    PerlSetVar          CGIAPP_DISPATCH_PREFIX MyApp
    PerlSetVar          CGIAPP_DISPATCH_RM On
    PerlSetVar          CGIAPP_DISPATCH_DEFAULT public

    AuthType            MyApp::Handler
    AuthName            myapp
    PerlAccessHandler   MyApp::Handler->access
    PerlAuthenHandler   MyApp::Handler->authen
    PerlAuthzHandler    MyApp::Handler->authz

<LocationMatch "/app/admin_.*"> Require group admin </LocationMatch>

<LocationMatch "/app/member_.*">
    Require group member

Then I just define what a group of 'member' and 'admin' mean in MyApp::Handler.

> Do I need to move authen/authz out of my cgi::app to
> accomplish the task--I think I probably do.

Not necessarily, but I think it'd be a good idea to keep them separate. But that's more for organization than for any limitation of mod_perl/C::A.

Michael Peters
Plus Three, LP

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