William McKee wrote:
On Wed, Mar 02, 2005 at 02:58:24PM +0000, Mark Stosberg wrote:

Rather than a new plugin, why not write a custom logging object for
Log::Dispatch (or patch one of the 5 email loggers on CPAN).

I agree. This doesn't seem like a C::A problem but something that should be added to the Log::Dispatch community.

What do others do to detect and respond to web application errors?

Right now, I create a nightly diff of my server/system logs. I've got
plans for adding more intelligence into the script that creates the diff
but the simple version is effective for now.

Slightly OT, but interesting: btail http://www.vanheusden.com/btail/

Its a bayesian tail filter so you 'teach' it what kind of log messages matter to you and what kind don't. An interesting approach to filtering through a lot of junk.

Michael Peters
Plus Three, LP

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