David Kaufman wrote:

return $self->bounce('display_widget');

what was wrong with:

return $self->display_widget();

There are a couple of reasons (although for the most part minor, which all have work-arounds) why a method like 'bounce' might be nice.

+ the get_current_run_mode() will not DWIM when I return $self->display_widget().

+ If you know the name of the run mode you want to go to, you may not know the name of the method it corresponds to, or it may even be a sub ref. We've currently been having a discussion about this.

as a standard way of that? It's less typing, and allows you to pass parameters, if you like, too. I tend to write cgiapps that have dual-use run-modes (run-modes which can also be called/switched-to from within other run-modes).

I'm sure many of us do the same thing. Especially if you use C::A::Plugin::ValidateRM.

Would your nounce method support this sort of "dual-use" of a run-mode? What functionality would it add?

If it get's implemented, I'm sure it would be trivial to allow something like

    $self->bounce('display_widget', %extra_args);

-- Michael Peters Developer Plus Three, LP

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