I am in the process of updating the AutoRunmode plugin to use the new
hook interface.

Unfortunately, it seems that CGI::App prerun will always run after all
the hooks. I am not sure how to resolve this without requiring additional hooks
such as 'after_prerun'.

 I will probably just point out the problem in
the documentation and advise the users of the non-elegant work-around.
The problem only occurs in the presence of a prerun method that
actually changes the runmode.

I think that is a good solution and may be a "good enough" solution.
Let's see.


http://search.cpan.org/~thilo/CGI-Application-Plugin-AutoRunmode-0.06/ AutoRunmode.pm

The new version, which by using the hook interface in CGI::App 4, becomes as simple to use as

package MyApp;
        use base 'CGI::Application';
        use CGI::Application::Plugin::AutoRunmode;

        sub my_run_mode : Runmode {
                # do something here

        sub another_run_mode : Runmode {
                # do something else

        # you now have two run modes
        # "my_run_mode" and "another_run_mode"

(no need to import a cgiapp_prerun method anymore, this is done via a hook now).

The module is also compatible with CGI::App 3.x (exporting cgiapp_prerun is still supported).



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