CGI::Application::Framework is a fully-featured web application
development platform built on CGI::Application.

Richard Dice and I have been developing it for the past six months, and
it grew out of an earlier system that Richard made on his own called the
MVC Framework.

It aims to be a complete Perl web development solution including all of
the features you would expect from a modern web application platform,
including MVC separation, sessions, sticky forms, authentication, and
powerful application configuration.

It tries not to reinvent too many wheels of its own - it is made up
primarily of CGI::Application plugins, CPAN modules, a few best
practices and some sensible defaults.

Veteran CGI::Application authors already know how to do all this stuff
(and most of us have already hand-rolled similar CGI::Application
solutions of our own).  However what we're trying to do with the CAF is
create a system that has all the good stuff working out-of-the-box with
all the features fitting nicely together.

Newcomers will appreciate not having to figure out how to tie together
bits and pieces from all over CPAN.  People with more experience might
like to let other people worry about framework infrastructure so they
can just get on with application development.

At the moment, there are still some rough edges and missing features,
but it is now stable enough that we want to release it on CPAN and
expose it to a wider audience for comments and feedback.

Hopefully it will be up on CPAN by the end of this week.  In the
meantime, the docs and a pre-release tarball can be found here:


  * Based on CGI::Application
  * A recommended layout for modules, templates, config files etc.
  * Choice of templating system (via CAP::AnyTemplate)
    * HTML::Template
    * HTML::Template::Expr
    * Template::Toolkit
    * Petal

  * Embedded page components (Headers, Footers, Navbars)
  * Form Validatation and Sticky Forms (via CAP::ValidateRM)
  * Easy (optional) Class::DBI integration
  * Session Management (Apache::SessionX)
  * Authentication
  * Login Managment
    * login form
    * relogin after session timeout
    * form state is saved after relogin

  * Powerful configuration system (via CAP::Config::Context)
  * Link Integrity system
  * Logging (via CAP::LogDispatch)


Michael Graham <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

YAPC::NA 2005 Toronto - - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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