Cees Hek wrote:
> With the new AJAX kick that everyone seems to be on (including me that
> is), I did a little bit of playing with the HTML::Prototype library
> which is a perl interface to the prototype.js library.  This is the
> library that Ruby On Rails uses for all of the fancy AJAX stuff that
> they have been hyping lately.

I also saw this today but haven't had time to play with it.

> I spent a few hours last night hacking together the AutoComplete
> example on the RoR website in perl, and this morning I found a new
> version of HTML::Prototype that does all the hard work for you (this
> new version has not made it around to all the mirrors yet).
> So I rebuilt my example (by stripping out a bunch of code), and you
> can have a look at it here:
> http://cees.crtconsulting.ca/perl/examples/autocomplete/
> Code links are on that page.  This is just a small example of what you
> can do with this JavaScript library.  There is support for
> drag-n-drop, zooming, fading, as well as all the AJAX hooks for
> observing fields, doing periodic updates, submitting forms in the
> background, etc...  Some very cool stuff in there.
> In my example code you will see a reference to
> CGI::Application::Plugin::PrototypeJS.  This is not released yet, but
> you can simulate its functionality like this:

Would it be possible to combine this with the CAP::Ajax plugin? The
'Prototype' doesn't really fit. I severly doubt anyone looking for AJAX
helpers would look for it or know that they need to look at it.

> use HTML::Prototype;
> sub prototype {
>   return HTML::Prototype->new;
> }
> Just put that in the .pm file.  Pretty simple stuff really.
> Let me know what you think.  I'd like to put together an examples
> website similar to the RoR site with some cool examples of how to do
> this stuff in perl.  They do some pretty amazing stuff with RoR, but
> we can do the same thing in perl (with a note that all the hard work
> has already been done by the JavaScript coders)...  If anyone is
> interested in working on something like that let me know.

Yeah, that would rock. With all the hype of RoR, they don't point out
that Perl has been doing most of this kinda stuff for a while now. I
guess that's what you get for being the old kid on the block :)

Michael Peters
Plus Three, LP

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