Ron Savage wrote:

(This Perl is from my
# -----------------------------------------------

sub find_entity_via_keystrokes
        my($self, $prefix)      = @_;
my($sql) = "select entity_id, entity_name from entity where entity_name_key like lower('$prefix%') order by entity_name"; my($result) = $$self{'_dbh'} -> selectcol_arrayref($sql, {Columns => [1, 2]});

I do hope you're in a tightly controlled environment, or that you're properly untainting and detoxifying $prefix. I'd suggest using placeholders instead of using variables directly in sql strings.

Isn't your "like" case-insensitive? I guess that might depend on the database engine.

Anyway, just my 2 øre. The technique is interesting though.


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