On 2005-11-09, Prakash Inuganti -X (pinugant - Ahura Inc. at Cisco) <[EMAIL 
PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Can you help me with a small example to use
> CGI::Application::Plugin::HTMLPrototype in HTML::Template. I am trying
> to add a row of data dynamically retrieved by an sql query when a user
> enters a date into text field.


You might consider using the HTDot plugin, which adds a dot notation for
method calls to HTML::Template, like Template Toolkit has. You can
access all methods in the CGI::App object by adding this:

 $t->param( c => $self );

I have submitted a patch so the next version will do this by default. 

Then it's all very simple. Just put code like this in your template:

<!-- tmpl_var c.prototype.define_javascript_functions -->
<a href="#" onclick="javascript:<tmpl_var 
c.prototype.visual_effect('Appear','extra_info')> return false;">Extra Info</a>
<div style="display: none" id="extra_info">Here is some more extra info</div>



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  • [cgiapp] Help with ... Prakash Inuganti -X \(pinugant - Ahura Inc. at Cisco\)
    • [cgiapp] Re: ... Mark Stosberg

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