Mark Stosberg wrote:
> On 2005-11-09, Michael Peters <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>+ No page reload for results. After pressing the 'submit' button (or one
>>of the page links) a page will not be reloaded, but the new results will
>>simply be shown below. This should actually speed things up, especially
>>on sites that have some dynamic stuff happening in navs and sidebars.
> I'd like this worked, and fell back to the current way if the browser is
> detected not to be able to handle the AJAX. 

This should be just a simple Javascript test before using the Ajax
facilities of the Prototype (or Scriptaculous) libraries. I've included
this Javascript in the sample templates, but I can't really test it
since I don't have a browser that doesn't do Ajax. If you have any,
please test it out for me.

>>+ Auto-Complete/Suggest search field. As the user types they will see
>>suggestions of what to search for (similar to Google suggest and other
>>Now, how do people want the Auto-Complete field to work? Should it
>>suggest words that are known to be in the documents indexed? Should it
>>just show phrases that this user has previously searched for (most
>>browsers do this anyway)? Should it suggest phrases that other people
>>have previously searched for? Or should it not care, but rather be
>>pointed to a datasource of words/phrases to use and not care where it
>>came from.
> I find Google suggest annoying and don't use it. On small and/or local
> site, revealing what other people searched for could be a privacy issue
> in some cases.

I can see the privacy issue thing, but I can also see it being useful in
a larger context.

> I think Auto complete works best against a fixed list of names. For
> example, looking up a business name from a list of 500 possibilities,
> which would be too big for a drop down menu. 

By default, I show how to use it to suggest words that are known to
exist in the documents being searched.

> I wouldn't want to use this feature. 

Well, good thing you can turn it off :)

>>Also, more architectural, should the AJAX niceness be configurable
>>within C::A::Search, or should a separate C::A::Search::AJAX module
>>exist (probably within the same distro) so that developers aren't confused?
> If it's fairly simple and optional, leave it in the core module. If it
> adds significant complexity or requirements, go with a seperate module.

I've included it in the same module with a few config params to turn it
on/off and control other paramters.

If you have the time, I invite all to try out the newest version 0.06
(which has been uploaded to CPAN and will be on mirrors shortly). In
particular I want feedback on the interface for the AJAX facilities as
well as the documentation (in CGI::Application::Search and

If all goes well, this will be morphing into v 1.0.

Michael Peters
Plus Three, LP

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