Michael wrote:

Cees Heek wrote:

Yes, except that in your subclass example, the fact that you create a
new 'cgiapp_init' method will override the 'cgiapp_init' method in
your base class.  That means the 'cgiapp_init' method in your base
class will not get executed.  That may be desired, but if it is not,
then you can call the 'cgiapp_init' method in the base class directly
by adding the following line to your 'cgiapp_init' method in your


Or you can do what I've been doing lately and just have your base class use the callback system to register it's init code. This makes it easier
for your subclasses since they even have to know that the base class
want's to do anything at init time.

  $self->add_callback(init => \&_my_init);

This won't work well however if you want to override your base's init in
the child class. Just another way to do it :)

And for yet another way  :-)

It's probably not best practices, but what I do is implement the cgiapp_init, setup, etc. in the base class. Each of them makes a call to a my_init, my_setup, etc. I stub those out in the base class. Then my subclasses can implement those without overriding the base methods. If they still really need to override, that is available too.

Depending on what I intend the subclasses to actually do in the "my" methods, I put the call at the beginning, in the middle, or at the end of the base method.


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