Thanks to FF I get the following:


In my code I take the "add_task" above and put it in a variable like so:

 my $new_task_name = $results->valid('add_task');

That variable should be "Star Trek"...

I then want to insert that into the database:

    if ($new_task_name) {
            INSERT INTO task_names VALUES('',?)
        $sth1->bind_param(1, $new_task_name);

I also tried "if (defined $new_task_name)" and "if ($new_task_name ne '')" in the above code.

I then get:

Error executing run mode 'taskform': Can't call method "OTrakker=HASH(0x197d200)" on an undefined value at lib// line 142, <CONFIG> line 4.
 at D:/Projects/www/DEV/otrakker/index.cgi line 14

Line 142 is that code above.

Any suggestions?


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