A. Pagaltzis wrote:
* Jesse Erlbaum <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2007-10-20 04:50]:
I am a big fan of HTML::Template, which is why I put in there
in the first place. In spite of the fact that I have a strong
preference, I made it easy (nay, trivial) to swap in your own
templating system.

Your request has been heard, and respectfully declined. (You're
not nearly the first to make it.)

So despite having heard over and over from users who were
annoyed, you decided that making a statement has greater value
than not antagonising your users. OK then.

I would point out something. It *is* his module to do with as he pleases. I have no problem with his answer. *You* are free to fork it and that has pretty much happened before.

I have followed this list for over a year and this is the first time *I* have seen a request like this. So "over and over" is once or twice in a year?

You're going to have to hold your nose and let CPAN install
HTML::Template even though you don't use it

Err, thanks for your loving care and gently guiding nudge, but no

    cpan> look CGI::Application
    $ perl Makefile.PL && make && sudo make install

Thanks to the mercifully short list of dependencies, all of which
core with the exception of HTML::Template, that Just Works. Thank
you for that.

And that is why, despite the tone of some of this mail, I don’t
particularly care. It just means CGI::Application has this stupid
quirk of not being installable in a standard way for no apparent
reason – but oh well.

Never ever ever been an issue at all. You can correct me if I am wrong but Catalyst and Jifty are pretty much the same way and they have tons more dependencies. These are "frameworks" and they have dependencies.

because it's part of the core

I don’t see it used anywhere except in a non-essential method.
(If it were, that would count as a design problem.)

He wrote C::A to scratch his itch and he use H::T. That should be explanation enough. The fact that other people think it is a whopping cool framework to use is just icing on the C::A cake.

and it's needed for many existing applications (as you've

I have no interest in any of them.

So don't use them? That was easy now wasn't it.


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