I'm experimenting with moving Smolder over to C::A::Server (to remove the dependency on Apache and make it CPANable and thus easier to package for distributions). Things are going ok so far, but I have a few questions.

1) Is there a way to control the HTTP response codes? I used to send a 401 response along with the "forbidden" page when someone tried to access something they shouldn't. I'd like to continue that if possible.

2) C::A::P::Stream seems to have issues when run under C::A::Server. It seems that the HTTP headers it's trying to set are being interpreted as being part of the file. So I loose the content-type header and my file is corrupted.

3) It prints to the screen a lot of information, that while useful for developing, I will eventually want to turn off for distribution. I'm planning on daemonizing it, so I guess I could just redirect that output, but that's what I was planning on doing for the error log, and having all those urls, etc in the error log would be a bit much since they aren't errors.

Michael Peters
Plus Three, LP

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