On 24/05/2011 05:27, Ron Savage wrote:
> Hi gvim
> You don't have to use or load them all. If you adopt
> CGI::Application::Dispatch and a MVC structure, only 1 controller
> module gets loaded, and hence only the run modes in that module get
> loaded.

But if I have only 1 controller module which 'use's 10 or 15 runmode modules:

use base 'AppBase';
use Register;
use Email;
use Another
sub setup {
   my $c = shift;
     register    => 'Register::register',
     email       => 'Email::email',
     another   =>  'Another::runmode',


... then I'm loading all 15 at startup, right? Even worse if I pack all those 
15 into subs without external modules as in a lot of examples on the CA website.

> There are plenty of modules on CPAN which use this method.
> Mine include App::Office::Contacts, App::Office::CMS,
> Business::Cart::Generic and CGI::Application::Demo::Dispatch (hint).
> Of course, if you run them under plack or Starman, they are
> permanently resident anyway, so the startup overhead is only incurred
> once.

But the memory footprint is still affected, surely? I'm just trying to weigh 
the benefits when running CGI::Application on a VM with a modest amount of 

> All the above modules include a plack/starman runner httpd/*/*.psgi
> using C::A::D.

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