Hi all,
I just received this spam to my inbox:

Hi Mark,

I am curious if you are the person responsible for adding content to the
following page: cgi-app.org/index.cgi?Examples

If not, feel free to forward me on to the correct person! I came across
your page during my research for a project for which I am contributor. It
is a research project that examines how biology has evolved from being a
scientific study into a practice that has the power to affect global change
for the better. The recently completed resource offers articles with an
insightful look for anyone considering or currently in the biology field.

I would love to send over more details about this project and partner with
you, let me know!

Thanks for your time. I look forward to working with you!

We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act but a
habit. - Aristotle

I'm suspecting that someone modified the Examples page with a link to a
site with malicious content.
Looking at the source for the Examples page (yeah, I probably shouldn't
have loaded that page in my browser, as it could have been modified to
contain some malicious javascript), one link that looked possibly
suspicious is the following:

<li>Just a little <u><a href="http://valis--123.tigem.it/htdocs/sce.html";>
site</a></u> to display data from a <u><a href="
http://genomebiology.com/2006/7/7/R56";>scientific article</a></u>, by Remo

Note that I modified the first link and added "--123" to it, so that if it
is a bad site, and someone clicks on that link someday, it won't go to the
bad site.

I'm curious to know if any else receives/ed this email.
I did not want to reload the page and check the change history to see when
the link to sce.html was added.

-- Mark

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