On Fri, 28 Sep 2001 08:45, Tim Colson wrote:
> Not sure how best to word the question - let me give more details.
> I'm trying to move runmode subs, which I'm going to call 'actions', into
> their own class/file/package.
> The problem I'm having is how to specify a reference to the workhorse
> subroutine inside the action - called doPerform().
> -----
> package JobAgent;
> use base 'PerlAppFramework';
> use ActionShowList;
> my $action = new ActionShowList( $self->query() );
>    $self->run_modes(
>            'mode1' => \&showform,
>            'mode2' => \{$action->doPerform()}  # naive attempt which
>    );
> Barf error mesg:
> [Thu Sep 27 15:08:30 2001] JobAgent: Error executing run mode 'mode2'. 
> Eval of code '$self->SCALAR(0x250564)' resulted in error: [Thu Sep 27
> 15:08:30 2001] JobAgent: Can't locate object method "SCALAR" via package
> "JobAgent" at (eval 12) line 1, <STDIN> chunk 1.
> I've searched perlmonks.org and of course the perltoot and perlobj ->
> but can't seem to find out how to create a reference to a method of an
> object.

You can do something like this with a closure.  Although you should make
sure you realize the implications of using them.

Something like the following should work (untested)

my $action = new ActionShowList( $self->query() );
my $closure = sub { $action->doPerform(); };

           'mode1' => \&showform,
           'mode2' => $closure

Cees Hek

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