This patch is great.  I have always been a little confused as to why the
TMPL_PATH used some type of prepending logic.  I think this patch adds
synergy to the two module's relationship.

> Here's a patch that sets TMPL_PATH using the HTML::Template path option
> rather than prepending it using a string.  This removes the restriction
> that all paths must end in $ENV{IFS}.  Also, it allows the TMPL_PATH
> setting to coexist with other potential search paths for templates
> (i.e. $ENV{HTML_TEMPLATE_ROOT} and any path settings provided to
> load_tmpl()).

Is this patch against 2.3 or a previous version?

> I don't think this will break any existing code but it does constitute a
> change in functionality.  Can anyone think of a case where this would be
> the wrong behavior?

Well, what is the difference?  Almost none as far as I can see from
HTML::Template, it seems to act about the same using 'tmpl_path( )'.  My
only question would be about setting an array-ref using 'tmpl_path( )' to
fill the 'PATH=>' argument to 'load_tmpl( )'.

Obviously, everyone loves DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself) but when I try to use
the 'PATH=>' argument to give the C:A a hierarchy of template directories
(component, application, server in my case) you're repeating yourself or
using a global var (or some other construct you have to repeat.)

In my ideal CGI::Application, we load our template path in setup( ) one time
(our list of template paths) and CGI::Application / HTML::Template work out
which files and from where.

> The patch can be applied with "patch -p1 < path.diff" in the
> CGI-Application directory.

Why isn't this patch part of the main tree?  Has it somehow offended someone

-- Cory

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