I'm attempting to set up the cgi::application example widgetview.cgi and
WidgetView.pm.  Here's the error I'm getting:
[Fri May 10 14:53:43 2002] [error] [client] [Fri May 10
14:53:43 2002] widgetview.cgi: BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at
widgetview.cgi line 3.
Any ideas on what this error means?

Best I can figure is that there's something not working correctly in loading
the .pm but a command line run produces no errors.  I'm running on Solaris8
w/ perl 5.6.1 and apache server 2.0.35.  
Here's my code that I've tried to strip down as much as possible and still
get to see something, but to no avail:
#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w
use WidgetView;
my $app = WidgetView->new();
print STDERR $app->dump();

   package WidgetView;
   use base 'CGI::Application';

sub setup {
        my $self = shift;
                'mode1' => 'showform'
sub showform {
        my $self = shift;
        # Get CGI query object
        my $q = $self->query();
        my $output = '';
        $output .= $q->header();
        $output .= $q->start_html(-title => 'Widget Search Form');
        $output .= $q->start_form();
        $output .= $q->textfield(-name => 'widgetcode');
        $output .= $q->hidden(-name => 'rm', -value => 'mode2');
        $output .= $q->submit();
        $output .= $q->end_form();
        $output .= $q->end_html();
        return $output;


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