---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jahanzeb Sherwani <jahan...@gmail.com>
Date: Fri, Feb 13, 2009 at 17:25
Subject: [gshci4d] Young Researchers Workshop at ICTD 2009
To: gshci4d at googlegroups.com

Hello all,

It gives me great pleasure to announce the Young Researchers Workshop
at ICTD 2009, that's co-organized by Matt Kam, Divya, Tapan and
myself, along with another group, IPID/SPIDER.  The main idea behind
the workshop is to get people talking -- the agenda of what will be
discussed is going to jointly be decided by participants, and we're
aiming to make it really participatory by getting a discussion going
online well before the actual workshop.  The spirit of the workshop is
to create a space where people like us can talk to each other, get to
know each others' work, and potentially build collaborations (just
like gshcid) that live on well beyond the workshop.

The workshop is being co-organized by us and by this other group
(IPID/SPIDER), they're managing the morning session where participants
will introduce their work, and we'll then have open-ended discussions
in the afternoon.  The program is attached and contains all the
details.  If you're super lazy, the main info you need to know is:

Send a short position paper to yrictd at gmail.com (anywhere between 1-4
pages) describing your ICTD research experience, and what you think
the big challenges in ICTD research are.  Hurry, slots are limited --
don't put this off till too much later, just jot your thoughts down
and send them on in.

I also wanted to mention that Rowena's co-organizing a workshop on
evaluation, and it looks quite awesome too.  So even though I want all
of you to attend the Young Researchers workshop, do check out Ro's
workshop.  I'm sure she'll be sending an email soon.

I've also pasted the invite in plaintext below.  Please forward this
to your networks.  Really, do forward it! :)  Thanks!


Call for Papers and Participation

"Young" Researchers' Workshop at ICTD2009
Friday 17 April 2009

in conjunction with the 3rd IEEE/ACM International Conference on
Information and Communication Technologies and Development (ICTD2009)
17 ? 19 April 2009, Doha, Qatar, http://www.ictd2009.org

IPID (the International Network for Postgraduate Students in the area
of ICT4D) together with GSHCID (Graduate Students in Human-Computer
Interaction and Development) are organising a workshop for "young"
researchers to be held on Friday 17 April 2009 8:30am ? 5:00pm at
Carnegie-Mellon's campus in Doha, Qatar.

Focus: The focus will be on the process of ICT4D research giving the
participants an opportunity to discuss and reflect on various aspects
of such research.

Program: The workshop aims to provide an informal forum where
participants can share their research experiences, initial findings
and ideas in a supportive peer-environment. The area of ICT4D includes
a wide range of fields of studies. By attending the workshop
participants can share and reflect on their research findings as well
as on their own experiences in ICT4D research.

Format: Participants will be asked to read everyone's position papers
in advance, to maximize face-time at the workshop.  The morning
session will include presentations of short papers of between 5-10
minutes followed by feedback from both the participants and invited
senior academic researchers. The afternoon session of the workshop
will revolve around small breakout group discussions, structured
around themes to be decided with participants via email prior to the
workshop, followed by a closing discussion among all attendees.

Intended Audience: The workshop will be open to all "young"
researchers in the area of ICTD/ICT4D. We use "young" broadly to
reflect the vibrancy of ICTD as a new discipline, in which we strive
to create an inclusive workshop atmosphere where all researchers ?
whether they are students, recent Ph.D. graduates or even senior
researchers with a track record in other fields ? who view themselves
as "young-at-heart" researchers congregate to learn from one another
about how to do research in the nascent field of ICTD. Space is
limited and will be allocated on a first-come-first-serve basis. The
morning session will be more generally across ICTD topics, the
afternoon session will have a greater focus, though not restricted to
HCI issues.

Submissions: If you're interested in attending, submit a short
position paper (no longer than 4 pages) describing your prior ICTD
research experience and your views on the challenges of ICTD research,
and mail it in PDF format to yrictd at gmail.com by March 1st for review.

Important Dates:
Submission of short papers: 1 March 2009
Notification of acceptance: 15 March 2009
Workshop: 17 April 2009

Cost: Workshop attendance is free for ICTD2009 conference attendees.
Attendees however have to be registered for ICTD2009 to attend the
workshop, or apply for a waiver.

Attendee Sponsorships: There are very limited sponsorships and waivers
for workshop participants. If you need these, you have to apply
directly through the website at:
http://www.ictd2009.org/scholarships.html (the deadline is Feb 25).

Organisers: IPID has 320 members representing  224 universities in 77
countries and is sponsored by SPIDER, the Swedish Program for
Information and Communication Technology in Developing Regions. Behind
the program stands Sida, the Swedish International Development
Cooperation Agency and KTH, the Royal Institute of Technology.
For further information about IPID: http://www.humanit.org/PID/
For further information about SPIDER: http://www.spidercenter.org/

GSHCID was formed by participants at the HCID workshop at CHI '08. It
is a virtual group, with biweekly discussions held via teleconference,
with participants from North America, Africa and Asia.  In each
meeting, one person leads the discussion, covering either their
work-in-progress research, or presenting research papers or thoughts
on issues in ICTD/HCID.  Recently, the group has begun inviting ICTD
experts to present and discuss their work with the group. To join
GSHCID, email gshci4d at googlegroups.com

Contact / Organizing chairs

Morning Session (IPID):
Gudrun Wicander, IPID coordinator, Karlstad University, Sweden
Annika Andersson, PhD candidate, ?rebro University, Sweden,
Mathias Hatakka, PhD candidate, ?rebro University, Sweden,

Afternoon Session (GSHCID):
Jahanzeb Sherwani, Carnegie Mellon University, USA
Matt Kam, Carnegie Mellon University, USA
Divya Ramachandran, Univ of California, Berkeley, USA
Tapan Parikh, Univ of California, Berkeley, USA
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