Aid Agencies Turn to Open-Source Software
New Scientist (10/03/09) Campbell, MacGregor

Wesleyan University and Trinity College students have developed Collabbit, 
software that acts as a virtual emergency response center. Collabbit serves as 
a central repository for information, using RSS or text messages to send 
project updates to response workers. The students built a prototype system in 
three weeks as part of the Humanitarian Free and Open Source Software (HFOSS) 
project, which developed applications in response to the Asian tsunami. The 
American Red Cross, the Salvation Army, and Catholic Charities USA, which saw 
potential in the project, also contributed to the design. The relief agencies 
recently modeled their response after a hypothetical hurricane strike on a 
major city, and were pleased with the performance of Collabbit. "Not only did 
it work, but it demonstrated to those who participated the value of the tool," 
says John Berglund, a coordinator with the New York City Salvation Army. HFOSS 
project director Trishan de Lanerolle says developing the program provided the 
computer science students with a meaningful outlet for their work. "The work 
they are doing is something that has an impact," he says. "It's not just a 
classroom exercise where you write your program and then delete it the next 
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"Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in 
harmony." - Mahatma Gandhi

Gaetano Borriello
Jerre D. Noe Professor
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
572 Allen Center, Box 352350
University of Washington
Seattle, WA  98195-2350
gaetano at<mailto:gaetano at>

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