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From: Arlene Luck <al...@asc.usc.edu>
Date: Tue, Jun 10, 2014 at 11:13 PM
Subject: [ITID] New Issue Published

Dear ITID Readers:

Information Technologies & International Development
has published its Vol. 10(2) Summer 2014 IFIP 9.4 Special Issue

Into the Future: Themes, Insights, and Agendas for Information and
Communication Technologies for Development

This Special Issue of ITID contains a selection of articles from the IFIP
9.4 2013 12th International Conference on the Social Implications of
Computers in Developing Countries, held in Jamaica May 19–22, 2013. This
biennial conference took place in collaboration with the University of the
West Indies at Mona and ICT4D Jamaica. IFIP 9.4 is a working group within
the ICT and Society Technical Committee and is entitled Social Implications
of Computers in Developing Countries.

The conference attracts researchers from a wide range of methodological
approaches.  While most contributions were qualitative there were a number
of quantitative contributions.  The range of perspectives was also notable,
from computer science to anthropology and from theory to policy and
practice.  In relation to the conference theme, an agenda for future
research and practice, cumulatively, papers considered a number of crucial
future challenges for the area, gaps that have not been addressed
sufficiently, new technological possibilities, better understandings of
institutional dimensions, methodological developments and the need for
further rich ethnographic studies.  The next conference is in Sri Lanka in

The papers submitted to this Special Issue were initially selected by the
track chairs and then considered by the Special Issue Editors. These
decisions were based on both the reviews of the conference papers and also
the interest they generated at the conference.   We wanted to allow this
special issue to reflect the diversity of the conference, and the
interesting tracks that were represented.  Once we had shortlisted the
papers they were then sent out for several rounds of reviews.
Unfortunately, not all the shortlisted papers survived the reviewing rounds.
 For those that have, this has resulted in significantly different and
enhanced papers to those that are included in the conference proceedings.
We outline each below.

This Special Issue comprises four articles that adopt very different
positions. Two are explicitly theoretical position papers, and offer
important insights into how we might think about future ICT4D Research.  One
paper offers the scaffold of practice theory and sets up a provocative
argument about the paucity of theoretical reflection in this domain.  The
second paper argues that we need to consider the role of active mediators in
the development network, far removed from the specific development setting,
that are actively shaping the agenda and the possibilities for work in this
domain. The two other articles are case study–based and report on primary
empirical data. One case study focuses on Malawi and the other on Jamaica.
Both case study papers offer important insights into how information and
communication technologies are put in place in specific development settings
and used in ways that are unanticipated both positively and negatively.
They also represent two different sectors, one healthcare and the other
education. Cumulatively, the four papers represent many of the concerns that
the IFIP 9.4 group attends to and issues that require further development.

The article by Stan Karanasios argues that, thus far, the ICT4D field has a
paucity of theoretically informed accounts. Indeed, the role of theory in
ICT4D research was one of the key discussion points at the IFIP 9.4
conference. His article can be viewed as a position paper, and we envisage
that future studies will draw on it when thinking about ICT4D’s
theoretical foundations. Karanasios presents activity theory as one approach
that may help to address this omission. His article usefully outlines some
of the key theoretical constructs developed by activity theorists and argues
that ICT4D should be viewed as a practice. His article then provides an
account of how activity theory may inform future ICT4D studies. He concludes
by setting out a research agenda for activity theory and ICT4D and posits
five activity theoretic contributions that can be drawn on to frame future
ICT4D studies.

The article by Niall Hayes and Chris Westrup discusses the role of
consultants in ICT4D, focusing on consultants’ roles as intermediary and
mediator. The authors do this by drawing on some theoretical concepts from
science and technology studies. Linking to the conference theme and looking
at insights for the future, the authors discuss possible agendas that
international consulting firms may have for development and the role of
objectivity in these consultancies. The article presents insightful and
interesting arguments on the positioning of consultants in the development
sphere and implications for future discussions in this area.

The article by Terje Sanner and Johan Sæbø picks up the important theme of
the possibilities for long-term sustainability of ICT4D project
interventions. This is a topic that has had considerable debate in the
literature to date and one that is of great importance for our domain. Their
article reports on primary empirical data collected in Malawi. The data
offers a rich account of why different actors participate in a mobile health
project, their priorities, and what they would like to participate in. They
develop an analysis of how to encourage participation in ICT4D development
projects. Central to this is the issue of per diem payments. Sanner and
Sæbø highlight the contradictory role that they have played in this
debate. On one hand, they offer the prospect of attracting local
participation to ICT4D projects, while on the other hand, they highlight how
they have also undermined long-term capacity building and sustainability.
Sanner and Sæbø draw specifically on institutional theory and
institutional logics to develop their analysis and argue that while some
institutional logics may appear contradictory, in fact, they require each
other. As well as some useful reflections on institutional theory, they
offer some normative insights pertaining to sustainability and

The article by Deana Brown and Rebecca Grinter presents relevant and
interesting research related to the use of information and communication
technologies (ICTs) to support interaction and to connect children of
migrant parents and their home school–parental support networks. Through
empirical data collected in Jamaica, supported by earlier interviews with
migrant parents, the authors examine the modes of existing interaction
between migrant parents and teachers, and propose supporting ICT mechanisms
for enhancing the ongoing involvement of parents living abroad with their
children’s schools and caregivers. The proposed network would provide
flexibility, transparency, security, and mobility in facilitating these
interactions to support educational outcomes.

This issue also includes a review by Tim Unwin of the book Evaluating
Communication for Development: A Framework for Social Change, authored by
June Lennie and Jo Tacchi.  The book review provides insights on the need
for evaluation in development interventions, and highlights key components
of the authors’ framework.  Synergies with areas discussed in the special
issue are apparent as evaluation of ICT4D initiatives continues to be
critical in informing ongoing and future interventions that are designed to
address complex development challenges.

We would like to thank Renata Lèbre La Rovere, Arlene Luck, the reviewers,
and the ITID journal editors and editorial team for their insights and
contributions to the development of this Special Issue.

Niall Hayes and Arlene Bailey
Special Issue Editors
Information Technologies & International Development

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