*What*:  Computer Science in the DPRK - Will Scott

*When:* Tuesday, Jan 13 at 12pm

*Where:* The Allen Center, CSE 203

Please join us for the first Change Seminar of winter quarter. We are excited to have Will Scott from the networks lab in CSE come and talk about his experiences teaching computer science at Pyongyang University of Science and Technology in the fall of 2013 and 2014.

Please note that this quarter we will be meeting every other Tuesday so the next meeting will not be until Tuesday January 27.


This talk will reflect on teaching Computer Science in Pyongyang over the last two years, and look at how technology has been integrated into civilian life in the DPRK. Remaining an extremely isolated country, many people would be surprised to hear that cellphones have become commonplace within the capitol, let alone that the country invests in custom hardware and software. I'll talk through the current state of desktop and mobile technology in pyongyang, and what's changing.

From redstar OS, a custom redhat-derived linux desktop and server environment, to the arirang cellphone and tablet, technology in the DPRK is different from what you are likely to see anywhere else in the world. Most systems are not widely available, and exist as much in rumor as reality. Partially from language barrier, and partially due to restrictive import, export, and communication policies, there are large gaps and large amounts of misinformation around most aspects of the country.

*About the speaker:*

Will Scott is graduate student in the networks lab in Computer Science and Engineering at UW. He's research focus on removing the limitations on information so the end user can have more control over their data and applications. He has spent the last two falls teaching Computer Science, specifically Operating Systems and Databases, to undergraduates at the Pyongyang University of Science and Technology. In the course of life in Pyongyang, Will has been able to observe the growing prevalence of mobile technology, and get a first-hand look at the state of consumer technology in the country.

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