This rash of burglaries is depressing, especially since they seem to be
taking place while people are at work and can't do anything about them. I'm
thinking we need to take some action immediately and have two proposals.

First, the CVCBD has a safety team. Much as I support the CVCBD, the Safety
Team has never seemed to me to do much good. However, I'm proposing that we
call Wes Tolbert, who is in charge, and ask him to make sure that the team
patrols Hunter Alley between 25th and 28th regularly--like every half hour.
There's absolutely no reason why they can't do this for two or three weeks. 

I'll call Wes tomorrow, but other people should call him as well at
410-235-4411 (not sure what his extension is). It might also be a good idea
to call Janet Levine, the CVCBD director, at the same numbder and tell her
we need daylight security in the alley to stop these thefts.

If our efforts to get the security patrol out don't work (and I'm just
hoping, not holding my breath), I'm wondering if other people would be
willing to pool resources to hire a private security guard for the 2600 and
2700 blocks of Guilford for a while. I've no idea how much it would cost,
but there are a lot of us along the alley. I know people are going to
immediately say that the police and the CVCBD and Hopkins patrols should be
doing this work, but obviously they aren't, and if we can't get them to I
opt for doing whatever we can to show these miscreants that we mean
I may be the lone voice shouting in the wilderness, but it seems like we
have to do something.


> [Original Message]
> From: Eric A. Perlman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: 8/19/2005 6:43:02 PM
> Subject: [Chat] stolen chair from backyard on the 2600 block of guilford
> Hi,
> Just a heads up that I had a chair (the foldable, transportable, kind)
> stolen from my backyard this afternoon.  I usually bring it inside,
> but it had been left outside for several days.  I keep the gate
> closed, with a wooden bar across it.  Whoever stole the chair
> removed the wooden bar, to get out the gate, and left it laying on
> the ground in the alley.  I am guessing they entered through my
> neighbor's unlocked, but closed, gate.
> The chair primarily has sentimental value -- I received it while
> interning at Google last summer.  It is somewhat unique, a large black
> foldable chair with a Google pillow on it, in case anyone sees it
> around the neighborhood.
> Nothing else in my yard, or my neighbor's, was stolen, including
> the (slightly) more valuable garden equipment that had been left
> out.
> Prior to this, the only other thefts we had were from the
> repetitive flower thief, who kept digging up the flowers we
> planted in the front yard.  I was tempted to plant onl
> poisonous or spiney plants after that...
> While I'm at it, I'd like to thank whoever managed to rear end
> my back fence a few months ago, a neat trick, seeing as there
> is an large parking pad between it and the alley!
> Eric
> 2644 Guilford Ave.
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