I feel sorry for your friend. I would urge her, rather than calling a lawyer who is not an employment specialist (I believe Sharon is interested in real estate), to contact the American Bar Association's referral service. It provides referrals to lawyers with expertise in specific fields who can talk to her about her legal rights. The first half-hour consultation costs very little, and she can decide where she wants to go from there. The number will be listed in the telephone book.
I believe these sorts of cases are very hard and very expensive to fight. Further, since she quit her job, she is technically not eligible for unemployment compensation. However, she should probably go talk with the unemployment people. The loss of the job offer may make up for the fact that she quit, since that loss was involuntary, and thus she might qualify. I hope so. And I hope she finds another job soon.

-----Original Message-----
From: Brad Schlegel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Aug 23, 2005 7:30 AM
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED], Chat@charlesvillage.info
Subject: Re: [Chat] Need legal advice

Did you contact Sharon Guida?  Her office number is (410) 385-5243
W. Brad Schlegel
1552 Oakridge Road
Baltimore, MD 21218-2228
410-467-1933 - H
410-962-9506 - W and Voice Mail
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, August 22, 2005 8:27 PM
Subject: [Chat] Need legal advice

Hi Folks,
I'm posting this on behalf of a friend who is not on the list:
My friend is in need of legal advice.  The situation:
- She was offered a job
- She accepted the job offer
- She resigned her current job
- The new company rescinded the job offer
- Now she's out of a job
Does my friend have any legal recourse? Does anyone know a good labor lawyer?
Thanks for all your help,

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