At 1:30am Wednesday night the Water Department of the City of Baltimore started 
jackhammering outside my window at 3045 Guilford. The leak in the water main 
had been observed and reported over 30 hours before this and no one came out. I 
called the non-emergency police and they would do nothing. They said it was an 
emergency. No one came when it was called in so it wasn't considered an 
emergency at the time and they had all day on Wednesday to address the problem 
during daylight hours and no one was here. A complaint tomorrow is not going to 
help me get any sleep tonight. Is there nothing we can do? Sleepless in 
Baltimore, David O'Donaghue

Subject: fire at 3034 Gulford
Date: Sun, 29 Jun 2008 08:51:43 +0000

The big news is the fire that broke out on the third floor of the house at 3034 
Guilford at a little before 4 am on June 29th. Does anyone have any information 
on what started the fire? It was in the apartment which as been blasting music 
out of it for the past few days. I thought it was under renovation and that the 
music came from workmen there. There were seven firetrucks here and I got to 
meet some more of my neighbors. David O'Donaghue

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