
Baltimore Free Store
Sent: Tuesday, September 16, 2008 9:01 AM
Subject: [Baltimore Free Store] Free Market THIS SATURDAY 9.20.08


Free Market Event:

This Saturday, September 20th 

2640 Space @ St. John's Church

2640 St. Paul Street




Volunteers needed:

8:45am-9:45am loading the truck

10am-12pm setting up

12pm-3pm running the event

3pm-4pm cleaning up

If you can volunteer,  <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> email our Volunteer
Coordinator: Jen Doll.


And don't forget about our warehouse clean out THIS THURSDAY from 10am-3pm.
Email <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  Jen if you can come!

This is an announcements list for the Baltimore Free Store, a Project of Fusion 
Parnetships Inc. - a non profit 501(c)(3) organization.  This list will be used 
to inform you of upcoming events, notices, and volunteer opportunities.
Our Mission:
The Baltimore Free Store promotes reuse and recycling to help alleviate the 
traumas of poverty and to involve communities in working together to meet their 

Our Vision:
We envision communities forged through relationships based on mutual aid and 
cooperation. We use the distribution of free items as a catalyst for change and 
as a way to demonstrate what can be done when communities work together. We 
envision a society where relations are not based upon individual greed, 
consumption, and private ownership  but a society where individuals are 
empowered towards the creation of sustainable and cooperative communities. To 
this end we encourage recycling and reuse as a means to counteract excessive 
waste and consumption within our society. Our vision for the future means 
empowered, stronger communities and the creation of a healthier Baltimore City.
Chat mailing list
archive: http://www.mail-archive.com/chat@charlesvillage.info/

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