Why can't it be called a civil union?


Christine Gray 



Sent: Friday, November 14, 2008 6:38 PM
To: Chat@charlesvillage.info; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [Chat] Fwd: Overturn Prop 8 - local protest Saturday


FYI - click on the link for the local time and location downtown tomorrow!


-----Original Message-----
From: Wes Boyd & Joan Blades, MoveOn.org Political Action
To: Matthew Weinstein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Fri, 14 Nov 2008 2:44 pm
Subject: Overturn Prop 8


Dear MoveOn member, 

Along with our tremendous excitement over Barack Obama's victory, a lot of
us are sad and angry about a different election result-the passage of
California Proposition 8, which reversed marriage equality and wrote
discrimination into the California Constitution. 

Many people worked hard to defeat this measure-including MoveOn members, who
contributed over $300,000 to defeat it. But agents of intolerance used
fear-mongering to eke out a win.

After the election, people across California immediately took to the
streets, vowing to put the state on the right side of history by overturning
Prop 8.

Now folks everywhere are coming together to add their voices. Tomorrow
(Saturday) there will be rallies in support of marriage equality in every
single state. If you want to attend an event in your state, go to this pa ge
and click on your state name-you'll see the location of any rallies planned:


These rallies will send a strong signal that depriving people of rights is
no longer acceptable in America-and it will also be a first step in ongoing
activism across the nation.

There's one other thing you can do to support the fight for marriage

The Courage Campaign (which does MoveOn-style organizing in California) is
working with other groups on a two-year grassroots plan to overturn Prop 8
in the 2010 election. The first step is for folks to speak out together with
one voice right away by signing a pledge to help overturn Prop 8. 

Over 100,000 people have already signed the pledge-and thousands more are
signing every day. Even non-Californians are signing the pledge in
solidarity. If you'd like to sign, click here:


Thanks for all you do.

-Wes, Joan, Carrie, Mari, and the rest of the team    

Want to support our work? We're entirely funded by our 4.2 million
members-no corporate contributions, no big checks from CEOs. And our tiny
staff ensures that small contributions go a long way. Chip in here


PAID FOR BY MOVEON.ORG POLITICAL ACTION, http://pol.moveon.org/. Not
authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. This email was sent to
Matthew Weinstein on November 14, 2008. To change your email address or
update your contact info, click here
<http://moveon.org/subscrip/coa.html?id=15119-1193638-XfZ04_x> . To remove
yourself from this list, click here
<http://moveon.org/s?i=15119-1193638-XfZ04_x> .



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