My second suggestion came about bear with me!  How about we start a 
"clean sweep" program?  Yes, I'm actually suggesting fighting crime with a 
broom!  How can one do this, pray tell?  Well...first we establish a standard 
schedule.  Monday -8am Tues-9am, Wed 10am, Thursday 3pm Friday 4pm. 
everyone who is available on those days...those times...takes to the steps!  Hear me out!  What we need more than anything is a 
neighborhood with lots of visible NEIGHBORS!  Criminals will NOT stop and 
carjack/rob/assault when there are lots of people on the street.  We can't be 
parked outside our homes all day, but we can do what we can, right?  Besides, 
it could be a lot of fun in an old school, throw back sort of way.  It's head out front...turn to your neighbor, give a wave and start your 
day...not bad.  There are many things we can do out front...sweep the stairs, 
sweep our dusty porches...clean those
 doors...whatever.  The point is to make it a regular thing and our 
grandmother's would be proud.  Will you join me for  the "Clean Sweep" 
challenge?  Weekends aren't a biggie.  These criminals like the weekdays.  For 
those of us that work 9-5...I didn't leave you out!  This brings me to my third 
suggestion:  Charles Village, FRONT PORCH FRIDAYS!  I thought about suggesting 
this closer to the Spring, but heck...why not?  Basically the idea would be 
that on Friday's anytime between say, 6pm-8,  we (this time of year) bundle 
up...take our cup of coffee/cocoa and adjourn to the front porch.  I live on 
the 2700 block of Guilford...maybe perhaps we invite our neighbors on the 2600 
and 2800 blocks to walk over and visit.  That's the idea.  Then the next 
week...maybe we take a walk and visit someone else.  It could be a fun way to 
get to know everyone and the presence of people on the street would be terrific 
for crime-fighting...So there it
 is...broom combat and porch hopping...Are we interested in trying them out?  
Tomorrow is Friday...and I can sweep at 4...hope you'll join me or you can just 
drive by and laugh:)  Either way, we're out there and doing something.  Thanks 
for your time,
Sonja Kinzer
2712 Guilford Avenue

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