Hello, everyone-

The Maryland Art Therapy Association (MATA) will be hosting a booth in the 
Target Family Art Park at Artscape next weekend, July 17-19.  We will be 
inviting those who stop by to help in creating community totem poles using 
recycled materials.  

If you have any art and craft materials or simple recyclables you would be 
interested in donating to the event, please let me know.  I would be happy to 
pick up donations from area porches or simply contact me to make other pick up 
arrangements/check on the appropriateness of a donation.  We'd love to have 
your interestingly shaped recyclable plastics, cardboard, bottle caps, buttons, 
fabric and matte board scraps, old stamps, balls of string and twine....... the 
list could go on and on....as long as it could go into single stream recycling 
at the end.  

At the end of the weekend at the booth, the totems will be encircled by a group 
of drummers, as the totems are dismantled and recycled into single stream and 
into the hands of any community members wanting to take a piece, so that the 
creative energy that went into making the totems is reinvested into the 
community to be recycled in new ways.  

Thanks in advance for any donations you might be able to send our way!

Cathy Goucher
CV resident, art therapist, and coordinator of the MATA Artscape booth 
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