I have an unfindable leak on/in the front; I think it's somewhere in the


Ditto with James-no luck


Please suggest a trustworthy roofer. 






From: chat-boun...@charlesvillage.info
[mailto:chat-boun...@charlesvillage.info] On Behalf Of D. Williams
Sent: Sunday, September 19, 2010 7:34 PM
To: The Charles Village Chat List
Subject: [Chat] Porch roof and down spout repair


Hello fellow CV's,
I have a serious leak in the downspout which goes down through my front
porch.  It has undermined the column and the roof section that is beneath
it.  I have already invested thousands of dollars into repairs on this and
it has always leaked.  Does anyone know someone they can recommend who can
rebuild my roof, correct the problems that I have with my downspout once and
for all?  Please help!
Thank you for your suggestions, 
PS. Please do not recommend the Roof Doctor, James Willis, he has already
had a crack at it and its still leaking!

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