Some of you are aware that I run a domestic rabbit rescue
group called the House Rabbit Society.  We are having a
movie fundraiser at the Rotunda.  You might have seen the
poster I put up at the Abell Open Space. Also, if anyone has
access to the Charles Village Parents group email list, I'd
appreciate it if you could pass this information on.  I also
have a Word document poster I could forward to anyone
who would have a good place to display and advertise for us.

-Kathleen Wilsbach

Join the House Rabbit Society for a special holiday showing of the new
family-friendly film
“The Christmas Bunny” (PG-suitable for 6 years+)

When: December 10, 2011 at 10 AM

Where: the Rotunda Cinemas, 711 W. 40th St., Baltimore, MD 21211

How much: $8 for adults and $6 for children under 12

The cast: Rumple (the rabbit), Florence Henderson (Brady Bunch),
Sophie Bolan, Madeline Vail

The story: A lonely foster child (Sophie Bolen) finds a lost, injured
rabbit (Rumple) in the woods on Christmas Eve. The rabbit is nursed
back to health by the child under the supervision of the “bunny lady”
(Florence Henderson), who runs a rabbit rescue in an old barn behind
her Michigan farmhouse. Both the rabbit and the young girl learn about
love and belonging.

The buzz:  In early 2011, The Christmas Bunny was awarded the Pearl
Award by the International Family Film Fest.  The Pearl Award is given
to the film that “best exemplifies the purity and enduring strength of
the family bond.”

The end of the movie will contain two public service announcements: one to
promote the fostering/adoption of children who need homes, and the other
to provide info about companion rabbits.

We will also be selling DVDs for $15 at the movie screening and afterwards.

Also, at the screening we will have available the 2012 Missouri HRS
Rabbit Rescue Calendar.  $12.  Both items will also be available
for mail order by check or PayPal through our website.  $5 shipping per
2 items.

As well as the usual movie concessions sold by the theater, we will
be selling homemade muffins, baked goods and hot drinks (coffee, tea,
cocoa, cider).

Also available for sale will be gifts for rabbits as well as for humans
who love rabbits.

If you would like to volunteer to help with the event, or provide
baked goods for us to sell at the event, please let me know.

Kathleen Wilsbach
Chapter Manager

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