> This feature is completely incompatible with Freenet's goals and
> architecture (insofar as I understand the latter).  Freenet isn't
> Gnutella.

Thank gawd. Gnutella really does suck. Mostly because of users who take
without giving.

> In fact, the closest approximation to Freenet that I'm aware of is
> Usenet.  When you insert an article into Usenet, you don't expect
> your news client to store the article in your home directory, then
> tell the news server what the file name is.  The news server might
> not even be on the same computer as the client!  (And might not share
> a filespace, e.g. with NFS or SMB.)

I fully understand this. I don't see how that changes anything.

> Freenet is a client/server architecture, like (modern, post-NNTP) Usenet.
> Your client has some data; it might have come from a file, or you might
> have piped it in on stdin, or it might have spontaneously generated itself
> for all we know.  The client opens an FCP connection to a Freenet node --
> which may be on the same machine or not.  It does some protocol
> handshaking, then sends the data to the node.

Obviously the symlink would only work on local machines unless for some
reason you wanted to make it able to addle URL's also but I don't see how
that would help anybody. The protocol is fine. It's just a simple issue of
file storage exactly as storing any other file would be. The rest of the
Freenet network shouldn't be able to tell any difference.

> If you think your feature is going to be easy to implement (which I
> personally doubt), then go ahead and submit your patch for peer review
> after you've added it.

I haven't looked much at the FreeNet code but if it uses decent
abstractions for the caching portions it shouldn't be very difficult. I
have a half dozen projects I'm working on now so I really haven't time to
start hacking something new yet. When I come to the point of needing it
I'll add it. I'd rather wait for a 1.0 version from the guys upstairs
first anyway since it sounds like nobody else would want to keep the
feature in and I'd hafta rehack it for each new version. If I fall flat on
my ass in my efforts well I guess I'll owe everyone a beer or
something. ;>

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