Hi again.

Thanks Felix for helping me with bootstrapping more easily.

The following random crash type remains:
Tue, 13 Dec 2011 08:54:13 +0100 (CET), hartrumpf wrote:

> [panic] `##sys#error-hook' is not defined - the `library' unit was probably 
> not linked with this executable - execution terminated

I use the following command on three computers
 (32bit installation of Version 4.7.4 (rev 649c251) on 64bit openSUSE boxes):

> chicken-install easyffi numbers srfi-19 srfi-37 srfi-38 ssax sxpath

In around 30% of my tries, I see the "library panic" message.

If any one can reproduce this, good.
If not, I known that I have to run such commands several times - no problem 
here :-)


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