
Salmonella 1.17, running on tests.call-cc.org, has some new features.
It now checks for missing wiki documentation for eggs and execute egg
tests. See http://tests.call-cc.org/2010/10/24/salmonella-report/ for
the new report format.

Regarding to tests: salmonella determines whether tests fail or succeed
by reading the exit status of the tests/run.scm script.  A 0 exit status
indicates success.  Anything different represents failure.

So, if your eggs have tests/run.scm, please set the exit code

For those using the test egg (http://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/4/test),
here's a simple trick to set the exit status according to the existence
of test failures:

  (unless (zero? (test-failure-count)) (exit 1))

You can just copy&paste the line above to the end of your tests/run.scm
script (if you are using the test egg).

Notice that if your tests use eggs which are not requirements for the
egg itself, you should list them in `test-depends' (it is just like
`needs' and `depends', but specific to tests).  Several eggs currently
fail because they rely on the availability of eggs which are not

The new salmonella also contains a section for warning messages. It
currently warns about eggs which declare a version that doesn't match
the directory tag.

Best wishes.

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