

The chometz report information on the Hain Celestial Group needs to be updated: The Kof-K has informed us that Hain sells all their chometz through the Kof-K. Furthermore, there are no shipments or sales of chometz to or from Hain during pesach. This applies to the full line of Hain products. This sale, of course, has no effect on Hain products that were purchased and were transferred to other food marketing companies before pesach.

Each year we update and publish a report titled: "A Suvey of the US Grocery Scene with Relevance to the Purchase of Chometz After Pesach". This report is meant to provide background information to Rabbonim who need to judge which chometz may be purchased after pesach. It does not provide any practical guidance to the average consumer. In that sense, it is completely different from the Guide to Chodosh which is aimed primarily at the consumer.

Those who read this report will be left with more questions than answers, since it highlights the complexity of today's grocery marketing scene. Please do not address any questions of halachic nature on this matter to us, but only to your posek.

This report is available in two forms:

1) A printed booklet with a thorough index in the back to help find the corporate connections of various supermarkets and food producers. This is available free of charge to Rabbonim and those in the kashrus field. For all others, there is a charge of $1 per copy. To order this send me E mail, or US mail to Yoseph Herman, 20 Sylvan Road, Monsey, NY 10952 and indicate that you want the chometz report.

2) There is an unformatted copy of this report that is available by instant return E mail. This is free of charge. To get this send a message to:
 In the message type
get Chometz.txt
(make sure you capitalize as shown.)

Again, I am not able to answer any halachic questions related to the purchase of chometz after pesach. Those must be addressed to qualified halachic authorities.

Yoseph Herman

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