The Guide to Chodosh has gone to the printer. We hope to mail out the printed copies by early next week. Meanwhile, you can download the new issue by email as usual. The new Guide is in two sections. The body of the Guide, which contains the information you need day to day is in Part 2. This is the part being printed and will be mailed out. The first part of the old Guide, that has not changed, is available separately as in "Introduction".

To the get the new Guide, the part 2, send a blank email message to ONE of the following:

To get the introductory part, the part that has not changed from the first issue, send a blank email to

As usual, the beginning of the new Guide has a list of all the news and changes from the old Guide. You have seen most of all these items in the bulletins that I have issued over the last few weeks. However, there are some new items, including an update that Gefen barley will remain Chodosh until further notice, starting with a package code of 10-22-09. This list is reproduced below:


* *

We never found any malt manufacturer that begins to ship Chodosh malt from the new barley crop earlier than Dec. 15. The malt is then shipped, Dec. 15 or later, to other factories that begin to use it in the end products. Therefore, the Guide assumes that all malt in foods is Yoshon before Dec 15. The date of Dec 15 is used as the Chodosh packing date for malt.

The following applications of malt pose a problem of Chodosh. Malt is used for several purposes. Foods using malt for _flavoring_ or _coloring _should not be used if packed after Dec 15 since that malt may be Chodosh. That includes cereals flavored with malt such as Corn Flakes and Rice Crispies, as well as most pretzels where it is used for coloring or flavoring. Beer is also included in the category of items which are Chodosh because of malt.

There are specialty vinegars such as malt vinegar, terragon vinegar and salad vinegar which are made with high concentrations of malt. However, the vinegar used in almost all food products, also known as “manufacturers white vinegar” does not have any Chodosh problems. Therefore, the following common products should be free of Chodosh: ordinary household vinegar, and condiments such as ketchup, mayonnaise, mustard, pickles, etc.

Thusfar we have discussed malt used as flavoring or coloring. However, there is an other frequent use of malt. It is used in most baking flours for their chemical reaction, which allows the flour to react with the yeast and water so that the dough should rise properly. We have received psak halochos several years ago that baking flour is not a problem so far as the malt content is concerned. This includes baking flour that lists barley malt in the ingredients. (We have included dating codes, as we do for many other products, for some baking flour for those who do not want to rely on this psak that this malt may be used. Call the Hot Line for details of this psak.)

If you know the dating code for an item that has a malt problem, then you should avoid that item if it was *packed* on or after Dec. 15. If the dating code is not known, then we recommend that the item would probably still be Yoshon if purchased up to Mar. 15.




The Gefen Company asked that an urgent bulletin be issued. Two batches of Gefen barley, that went to the stores during the week of Nov 11, are NOT YOSHON. These have the codes of 10-22-09 and 10-29-09. Gefen had a contract with a company to store Yoshon barley to last the entire season. However, that company went bankrupt and the stock of Yoshon barley was liquidated. Gefen has not been able to secure replacement stocks of Yoshon barley. Therefore, until further notice, all Gefen barley with date code of 10-22-09 or later is Chodosh.

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_Summary_: The Guide stated that soy, terriaki and tamari sauces that have wheat in the ingredients may be Chodosh starting with the packing date of Aug 9. In fact, these are _surely Yoshon at least up to the packing date of Jan 9 (5 months after Aug 9, the Chodosh date for wheat)_ and may be free of Chodosh problems completely.

_Details_: After being alerted by some mashgichim, we discussed the method of production of these sauces with expert chemists who actually produce them. Here is what we learned:

   * All these sauces that contain wheat are fermented over a period of
     time that is _5 months or longer_. All sauces that are produced in
     a shorter time do not contain any wheat.
   * The flour when used is from spring wheat that may be Chodosh.
   * In the production of the fermented soy sauce, wheat flour and some
     spores are added at the same time to start the fermentation. The
     spores produce the fermentation, the wheat flour is added only to
     allow the spores to be more evenly distibuted in the liquid and to
     do a better job. The wheat flour, which at the start is about 7%
     of the starting volume, is almost completely consumed during the
   * Terriaki sauce is produced the same way, except they start with
     only about 3.5% wheat.
   * Tamari sauce uses much less wheat.

From a halachic point of view, this production method seems identical to the question we raised many years ago regarding plain white household vinegar. The vinegar is produced from non-Chodosh alcohol. There, some barley malt plus other chemicals are used in combination to cause the alcohol to ferment into vinegar. In the process, the malt is virtually eliminated (much less than 1/60.). There we consulted several poskim who all ruled that the barley malt is botul. Based on that we believe that in the case of these sauces, as well, the wheat flour may be botul. Please consult your own posek regarding the question of bitul. However, since it takes at least 5 months to complete the fermentation of these sauces, there can not be any Chodosh problem before Jan 9, ’08 in any case.


* *

Matzo meal has always been assumed to be Yoshon. We believe that this is still true for _real_ matzo meal. However, at least one brand of “fake” matzo meal is being sold under the brand name of Kerry. This product, which is under the kashrus hashgocho of the Kof-K, is really made from bread crumbs which may be Chodosh. We do not know at this time if there are other such “fake” matzo meals on the market. Neither do we have information yet on which products may use the Kerry “matzo meal”. We will publish any new information that we uncover via the usual email updates and Hot Line News recordings.


*/? /**Bagel Munch*, 200 Main Ave, Passaic. Yoshon under the hashgocho of the Vaad of Passaic.

*/? /**Café Eilat* 12519 Burbank Blvd. Yoshon under the hashgocho of the Kehilla Kosher of Los Angeles.

*? Empire Bagel Shoppe, * 2234 Warrensville Center Rd., University Heights, OH, 216-382-5138. Yoshon under the hashgocho of Cleveland Kosher.

*? Fallsburg Bagels & Bakery*, 401 Rt 59, Monsey, 845-517-4800. Yoshon under the hashgocho of Rabbi Yechiel Steimetz.

*/? /**Greenspun Bagels* made in Baltimore, Yoshon under the hashgocho of the Vaad Hakashrus of Baltimore (Star-K).

*/?/ Grill Point*, 69-54 Main St, Flushing, NY Yoshon under the hashgocho of the Vaad Harabonim of Queens.

*/? /** Love Bakery*, 17519 Burbank Blvd. Yoshon under the hashgocho of the Kehilla Kosher of Los Angeles.

*/? /** Rosendorff’s *bakery products made in Baltimore, Yoshon under the hashgocho of the Vaad Hakashrus of Baltimore (Star-K).

*? **Superior Caterers*, 54 Ave O, Brooklyn is Yoshon under the hasghocho of Rabbi Yechiel Babad only for catering done in halls. The hashgocho does not cover catering done in Yeshivas and other institutions.


/?/* 15^th Ave Food Corp**, also sold under the names Sterns**, Kohen**, and New York Ko**sher *Most items are Yoshon even without a Yoshon label. The following are NOT Yoshon: the six grain breads, the bran muffins and the oatmeal cookies. There are retail bakeries in Brooklyn under the Korn name. These bakeries are not certified as being Yoshon. Under the hashgocho of the OK Labs.

*?** Adirim* pasta. The farfel only is Yoshon under the hashgocho of Rabbi Sholomo Gissinger. We have no information regarding other pasta from Adirim.

*? **Bagel Nosh* 380 Clifton Ave, Lakewood. Bagels and danishes only are Yoshon. Under the hashgocho of the KCL. Donuts are not under hashgocho for Yoshon.

*/?/ Beigel’s Bakery*, 189-09 Union Tpk, Fresh Meadows. Queens. All cakes, danishes and challehs baked on premises are Yoshon. However Tibeca rolls are not Yoshon on Tuesday and Thursday. Under the hashgocho of the Vaad Harabbanim of Queens. (Note: This is different than the wholesale Beigel’s Bakery listed in the wholesale section.)

*/? /**Ben Yehuda Pizzeria**, *pizza, calzones and panninis are Yoshon under the hashgocho of the Rabbinical Council of Greater Washington. Sandwiches and rolls are NOT Yoshon.

*/?/ Benjy’s Pizza*, 78-72 Main St. Flushing, NY pizza only is Yoshon, under the hashgocho of the Vaad Harabbanim of Queens.

*?** Chai Pizza*, 94 Rt. 59, Monsey. Yoshon except fried potatoes and possibly other fried items. Under the hashgocho of Rabbi Chaim Yaakov Horowitz.

*/?/** Chuster and Landau pasta* products produced by the Chuster Co. with a Yoshon label are Yoshon under the hashgocho of Rabbi Abraham Z. Glick. However, soup mandlen are NOT Yoshon.

*?** Dagim** *frozen products are Yoshon, if there is an O-U plus a Yoshon label on the package.

*? **Dependable Foods *update: All consumer high gluten flour in brown bags of size 5, 6 and 7 pounds are Yoshon. The following are commercial size items. The following lot number are Yoshon: Dough 7221 and 7228. All pasta are Yoshon. Noodles: fine up to and including lot #292, medium and wide up to and including #266. Egg barley #2687 and 1647. Pearled barley up to and including #108/081. High gluten bakery flour All Trumps up to and including 8/15/07. Dependable High flour up to and including #AL248 or marked Yoshon. Fantastic up to and including #AL248 or marked Yoshon. Patent flour: Dependable Bakers up to and including #AL248 or marked Yoshon. Full Strength up to and including 8/15/07.Superlative up to and including 8/15/07. Whole wheat fine and coarse up to and including 10/6/07 or marked Yoshon. Wraps, plain, whole wheat and tomato in industrial sizes are Yoshon only with the date of Nov 12 2007. Under the hashgocho of Rabbi M. Klein and Rabbi B. Taub.

*? Eden Cafe* at Owings Mills JCC, 3506 Gwynbrook Ave. 410-356-0010. The following products are Yoshon: pizza and pita. Must inquire as to the Yoshon status of all other items.(Star-K)

*? Eden Cafe* at Park Heights JCC, 5700 Park Heights Ave., 410-542-5185. The following products are Yoshon: pizza and pita. Must inquire as to the Yoshon status of all other items. .(Star-K)

*/? /**Eilat Bakeries*, at 350 N. Faifax Ave, 9233 W. Pico Blvd, and 12109 Santa Monica Blvd of Los Angeles are all Yoshon except muffins and pasta, under the hashgocho of the Kehilla Kosher of Los Angeles.

*/? /**Essex on Coney**, *1359 Coney Island Ave., Brooklyn, 718-253-1002, The American side is Yoshon, including the noodles and pasta, but _excluding the egg rolls, hamburger and frankfurter buns, fries, square knishes. _Also excluded are anything that is fried *or breaded*. Under the hashgocho of Kehilla Kashrus.

*? **European Homemade Kosher, *Rt. 59, Monsey. All items Yoshon except items with egg rolls. Under the hashgocho of Rabbi Chaim Yaakov Horowitz.

*? **Heimishe Bakery* in Lakewood. All breads, rolls and challehs are Yoshon under the hashgocho of the KCL except 6-grain bread.

*/? /Hoffman & Co. *catering, made in Baltimore, Yoshon available on request under the hashgocho of the Vaad Hakashrus of Baltimore (Star-K).

*? J2 Pizza**, *1700 Madison Ave, Lakewood. Pizza, calzones, cheese pretzels are Yoshon, under the hashgocho of the KCL.

*/? /Jerusalem Pizza, * 17942 Ventura Blvd. Pizza only Yoshon under the hashgocho of Kehilla Kosher of LA.

*? KEMACH UPDATES*: COOKIES AND CRACKERS: _Bread sticks_, sesame, whole wheat and garlic, both consumer size and the 5 pound food service size are Yoshon all season, including the malt. _Kemach spelt matzos_ from Israel are Yoshon. All _cookies_ except those with oatmeal are from winter wheat. _Oatmeal _cookies may be Chodosh starting with the packing date of Jul 26, code 7207 (7=year, 207=day of the year.) Also from winter wheat are _Kem Kem_ crackers, whole wheat & Bran crackers, _Snackers_, Grahams and _sandwich_ cookies. This includes crackers made from whole wheat and graham. _Malt _may be Chodosh starting Dec 15 (code 7 349, where 7=year, 349=day of the year). _Flat bread_ (including whole wheat) may be Chodosh starting with the code of Jan 1, 2009 (13 months after packing.), Kemach _Egg noodles,_ _noodle cuts, bowties and farfel_, in small grocery size packages are Yoshon up to January 1 even without the label, although there should be a Yoshon label in any case. _After January 1_ it should be considered Yoshon _only when marked Yoshon_. Code for _other pasta_: for 1 pound grocery size packages, not the large bulk packages, for _spaghetti_ and _elbow macaroni_ 10/31/08 (1 year after packing). For _lasagna_ the code is 10/31/09 (2 years after packing). For the _10 pound bulk packages_ where the code ends with the letter Z, the Chodosh date is Oct 31, code 3047 31 Z 304=day of the year, 7=year, 31=not important, Z=factory. Large _20 pound_ packages of pasta have a Chodosh date of Sept 4 07, code 09/04/09 (2 years after packing. _Chow Mein_ noodles have a Chodosh date of Aug 11, code 1007H (10=date, 07=year, H=month in alph. order). _All cereals that contain malt_ may have Chodosh malt starting with the code Dec 15 2008 (1 year after packing). _Whole Wheat Flakes_ (like Total), Raisin Bran and Bran Flakes are from winter wheat. Also the wheat products in Cocoa Munchies is also from winter wheat. Sugar Puffed Wheat has the Chodosh code Oct 1 08 (1 year after packing). Toasted oats, Honey Nut Toasted Oats, Fruit Whirls, Honey Crunch (like Honeycombs), Corn Crisps (like Kix), Bunch ‘O Krunch, all have a Chodosh date of Sept 1 08. All _soups_ with noodles Chodosh code is 2289 (228=day of year, 9=year+2). Soups with barley but no noodles or pasta have the Chodosh code of 2219. Vegetable soup Chodosh code is 1579. _Whole wheat flour__ _is Yoshon, as printed on the label. There is no malt in this flour.Under the hashgocho of Rabbi Nussen N. Horowitz.

*/? /Kosherific/Kineret* fish sticks have a Chodosh code of 6 Tishrei 5768. Onion rings have a Chodosh code of V7050202 (7=year, 05=month, 02=date, 02 not important). Under the hashgocho of Rabbi Weissmandl.

*/? /Kosher Pizza Station,* 8965 W. Pico Blvd. Everything is Yoshon except whole wheat pita. Under the hashgocho of Kehilla Kosher of Los Angeles.

*/? /Kupel’s Bake and Bagel*, 421 Harvard St, Brookline. Only bread products are Yoshon, not pastries. Under the hashgocho of the Vaad Harabonim of Massachusetts

*/? /**Liebers *All* *cookies and crackers, regular, whole wheat or graham, _without oatmeal_, as well as pretzels, are Yoshon. *Liebers* cereals without oats are all Yoshon. At this time malt in the cereals is also Yoshon (last production was made some time ago.) Liebers may discontinue selling of cereals in the near future. Under the hashgocho of Rav Weissmandl.

/?/* Milk & Honey Bistro**,* 1777 Reisterstown Road, (410) 486-4344. Only the following items are yoshon: pizza, pasta, soups, cheese blintzes, french toast, and pancakes. Other items are available as yoshon upon request. Yoshon under the hashgocho of the Vaad Hakashrus of Baltimore (Star-K).

*/?/ Nanna’s Pizza*, pizza only is Yoshon, under the hashgocho of the Vaad Harabbanim of Queens.

*? **Old City Café *Macaroni and cheese has the Chodosh code for Aug 16 is 2277 (227=day of the year, 7=year). Under the of Rav-Weissmandl, and the OU.

*? **Pita House** *products: Iraqui Pita (Pizza size-Lafah)*, *Mini Pita (Small Size)*, *Pita Party Plain (Very Very Small Size), White Pita (Regular Size), Zahatar Pita (Regular Size), Mini Sesame, White pita, Whole wheat pita.* *Yoshon under the hashgocho of the OU.**

*?** Pitaland*, Rt 59 at College Road, Monsey. Yoshon except fried potatoes and possibly other fried items. Under the hashgocho of Rabbi Chaim Yaakov Horowitz.

*? Pizza Plus*, 241 4^th St., Lakewood. Only the following are Yoshon: pizza, calzones, garlick nosh, knishes. Under the hashgocho of the KCL.

*/? /Samuel Adams* beer Chodosh code is March 1 08 under the hashgocho of the Vaad Hakashrus of Baltimore (Star-K).

*?** Sea Diamond** *frozen products are Yoshon, if there is an O-U plus a Yoshon label on the package.

*/? /Seven Mile Market* challehs made in Baltimore, Yoshon under the hashgocho of the Vaad Hakashrus of Baltimore (Star-K).

*/? /Shindler fish* products Yoshon under the hashgocho of the Vaad Hakashrus of Baltimore (Star-K) only if there is Yoshon label on the package.

*/? /Sienna’s Café*, 11417 Woodglen Drive, Rockville, MD. Pizza, calzones and foccacia are Yoshon under the hashgocho of the Rabbinical Council of Greater Washington. Rolls, subs, and sandwiches are NOT Yoshon.

*? Smackin Good *frozen pancakes have a Chodosh code of 07160 (07=year, 160=day of the year). All other Smackin Good products are Yoshon. Under the hashgocho of Rabbi Weissmandl.

*/? /Taam Eden Bakery, *New Square. Everything Yoshon except whole wheat or 6 grain bread. Under the hashgocho of the Bais Din of New Square.

*? ** **Unger *frozen pie crust and tart shells have a Chodosh code of 07319J (07=year, 319=day of the year.) */? /** **Unger *bread crumbs are Yoshon under the hashgocho of New Square Rabbinical Kashrus Council Under the hashgocho of New Square Rabbinical Kashrus Council.

*?** VegiCheff *frozen products are Yoshon , if there is an O-U plus a Yoshon label on the package.

*?** Zomick’s Bakery**, *444 Central Ave, Cederhurst. Any bread, even unwrapped and without a Yoshon label sold in the Zomick’s Bakery or was produced by Zomicks’s and sold in other stores is Yoshon under the hashgocho of OK Labs.


*? Apollo Filo dough* by Athens Foods Chodosh code for Aug 9 is 2217 (221=day of year, 7=year.)

*? Aunt Gussie’s* cookies that contain wheat have a Chodosh code Feb 9 08 (6 months after packing.) Those that contain spelt are probably Chodosh starting with a package code of Feb 26 08. Those that contain oats but not wheat or spelt, may be Chodosh starting a with the package code of Jan 26 08. For crackers flats the code is 12 months after packing.

*? Beechnut baby cereals*. Oats cereal in boxes new Chodosh code Oct 26 08 (15 months after packing.) Oats cereal in jars, new Chodosh code Jul 26 09 (2 years after packing.) Barley cereal in boxes new Chodosh code Aug 9 09 (2 years after packing.)

*? General Mills* Coco Puffs and Cheerios Oats Cluster Crunch cereals the package date is 372 days after packing. The General Mills cereal table has a typographical error. The oats code for the middle row starting “Reeses Puffs” should have been Jul 1 08 NOT Jul 1 07.

*? Goya barley* new Chodosh code 080910 (3 years after packing.)

*? Maltex cereal* new Chodosh code Aug 9 08 (1 year after packing.)

*? Maypo cereal*, new Chodosh code Jul 26 08 ( 1 year after packing.)

*? Pillsbury flour* codes: _All purpose_ and _bread_ flours code Feb 9 09 (18 months after packing.) _Whole wheat_ and _self rising_ flour code Aug 9 08 (1 year after packing.) Pillsbury all purpose flour is now only made in Buffalo, NY and not Kansas. Therefore that above codes are always relevant.

/? /*Quaker* oats cereals made in Canada and sold in the USA have a revised Chodosh packing date of Ocr 4. The table in the Guide should be changed to reflect this: 180 days=Apr 1 08, 270 days=Jun 30 08, 300 days= Jul 30 08, 360 days=Sept 28 08, 540 days=March 27 09.

*/? /Tofutti Cuties* have a Chodosh code of Aug 9=2217 (221=day of the year, 7=year.)

? *Unger* cereals with oats the code is Jul 26 08 (1 year after packing).. For wheat or barley but no oats, code is Aug 9 08. If the corn flakes list wheat starch, then the code is Aug 9 08. If the cereal also has a Malt-O-Meal label, use the above date or the one given for Malt-O-Meal, whichever is earlier.

*? Wheatena cereal* new Chodosh code Feb 9 09 (18 months after packing.)


*/?/** Bodek* croutons are Chodosh according to the company.


*X Gefen *crackers and cookies not made in Israel can not be listed as Yoshon due to lack of information from the company. Gefen soups and soup mixes can not be listed as Yoshon due to the lack of information from the company.

X *J&J *Ice cream sandwich. Insufficient information.

X *Kitov *products such as flat bread are probably Chodosh.

X*/ /** **Liebers* soup mixes and soups in cups can not be recommended as Yoshon pending further clarification from the mashgiach, Rav Weissmandl.

*X Mehadrin cookies and cream* ice cream product. Insufficient information.

*X Tofuti cuties.* Insufficient information.



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