Hi Hironori,

That's not a stupid question at all. I haven't actually tried using XP
mode, or Win 7 at all yet. I will be installing Win 7 as soon as I can
get my hands on a copy, and then we should get some Win 7 baselines.
Once we have those, and can get some Win 7 build bots configured, then
you should be able to stop using XP mode.

I will send out more notes to the list as we get closer to this.

-- Dirk

2009/9/15 Hironori Bono (坊野 博典) <hb...@chromium.org>:
> Hi Dirk,
> Thank you so much for your great work!
> By the way, I have been using XP Mode of Windows 7 (*1) to run layout
> tests since I changed my development PC to Windows 7. (It's not so
> fast, but it's OK.) Does this "Win7 baselines" mean we don't need to
> use XP Mode? (I assume yes.)
> (*1) http://www.microsoft.com/windows/virtual-pc/
> Sorry for my stupid question in advance.
> Regards,
> Hironori Bono
> E-mail: hb...@chromium.org
> On Tue, Sep 15, 2009 at 8:26 PM, Dirk Pranke <dpra...@chromium.org> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I have just landed a patch that enables us to run layout tests on
>> Vista as well as XP.
>> In theory, you should continue to use the tools just as you have in
>> the past, and everything will work transparently. In practice, I may
>> have screwed up something, so if you notice problems please let me
>> know.
>> One important change is that we now have a few XP-specific baselines
>> in webkit/data/layout_tests/platform/chromium-win-xp (mostly in the
>> way we handle various international characters and font differences
>> between XP and Vista). We do not have any Vista-specific baselines
>> (although one could argue that if there is a baseline in chromium-win
>> and a baseline in chromium-win-xp then the chromium-win one is
>> Vista-specific). We will be following the WebKit convention that the
>> generic platform directory represents the "most recent" version of the
>> platform (meaning that until Win 7 is released, all Vista baselines go
>> in chromium-win. When Win 7 is released, Vista-specific baselines will
>> go in chromium-win-vista).
>> In practice, this means you might need to be careful about where your
>> new baselines end up when using the rebaselining tool. You should make
>> sure they end up in chromium-win unless you are sure they are
>> XP-specific (in which case you will be responsible for landing
>> baselines for both XP and Vista).
>> If you have any questions about this, or run into problems, please let
>> me know ASAP.
>> One last thing for those who might look at this stuff in detail -
>> test_shell has been changed to use a "generic" theme for rendering
>> form controls, scroll bars, and other native widgets, in order to not
>> have any differences from the different themes on the different
>> versions of Windows. If you are wondering why the scroll bars and
>> other controls in the baselines look really odd, that's why. Also, the
>> checkin involved updating > 700 images, so I didn't have anyone but me
>> review them. Let me know if you see anything that doesn't look right
>> :)
>> Also, we will probably be landing Win 7 baselines Real Soon Now, since
>> adding them is a very small additional amount of work on top of the
>> stuff I just landed.
>> Cheers,
>> -- Dirk
>> >>

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