On Sat, Nov 21, 2009 at 10:52 AM, Chris Bentzel <cbent...@google.com> wrote:
> How do most people do cross-platform validation prior to submitting code?
> Do you mostly rely on the try-bots, or do you also patch the diffs to your
> different dev environments and build and test locally?

I build on the different environments and test locally when I am doing
something that I know
is very platform specific (like tweaking code that changes layout test
baselines). I think I am unusual in this regard.

Otherwise I tend to use the trybots.

> If you do the patching, do you tend to do a gcl upload and grab the diffs
> from there, or do you copy the diffs from machine to machine prior to the
> upload? If you do an initial gcl upload, do you skip the trybots until you
> validate that it works on all platforms to reduce load on the trybots?

It depends. Sometimes I will use rietveld (gcl upload) as a way to
checkpoint progress, in which case I will skip the trybots
until I'm ready (usually. sometimes I forget). I usually compute the
diffs myself and move them between machines. I have
found rietveld's diffs to be a bit unreliable :(

> Have there been any thoughts about adding gcl patch and unpatch commands
> which will grab the file diffs as well as duplicate the CL metadata in
> src/.svn/gcl_info?

Not as far as I know, but that would be really cool. Feel free to add a patch :)

-- Dirk

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