I hope this has been suggested in the past, but thought I'd raise the discussion again. Maybe I'm overreacting being a first time sheriff, but I'd be interested in hearing what other people have to say.

Based on this data:

grep -R "TEST_F.* FLAKY_" src | wc -l



grep -R "TEST_F*. DISABLED_" src | wc -l


implies that we have lots of flaky and disabled tests unless I royally screwed up my greps.

Searching the bugs for label:FlakyTest gave me 99 open bugs on flaky tests.

As a sheriff I spent most of my sheriffing time finding out that tests were "flaky" or marking them as such. Would it be worth having a team wide fixit day to get rid of the flakes? Less flakiness would mean less tree closures means more productivity. Each one of those flaky and disabled tests cost us effort to create, and was hopefully created to actually test something.


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