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> From: "Sardar" <>
> Date: July 3, 2010 7:02:59 PM PDT
> To: "Sardar" <>
> Subject: Drones Over America: Tyranny at Home
> Drones Over America: Tyranny at Home
> a..
> John W. Whitehead
> NJ Today
> July 3, 2010
> "A standing military force, with an overgrown Executive will not long be safe 
> companions to liberty. The means of defence against foreign danger, have been 
> always the instruments of tyranny at home."-James Madison
> The U.S. government has a history of commandeering military technology for 
> use against Americans. We saw this happen with tear gas, tasers and sound 
> cannons, all of which were first used on the battlefield before being 
> deployed against civilians at home. Now the drones-pilotless, remote 
> controlled aircraft that have been used in Iraq and Afghanistan-are coming 
> home to roost.
> [opinion]
> Drones, a $2 billion cornerstone of the Obama administration's war efforts, 
> have increasingly found favor with both military and law enforcement 
> officials. "The more we have used them," stated Defense Secretary Robert 
> Gates, "the more we have identified their potential in a broader and broader 
> set of circumstances."
> Now the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is facing mounting pressure 
> from state governments and localities to issue flying rights for a range of 
> unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) to carry out civilian and law-enforcement 
> activities. As the Associated Press reports, "Tornado researchers want to 
> send them into storms to gather data. Energy companies want to use them to 
> monitor pipelines. State police hope to send them up to capture images of 
> speeding cars' license plates. Local police envision using them to track 
> fleeing suspects." Unfortunately, to a drone, everyone is a suspect because 
> drone technology makes no distinction between the law-abiding individual and 
> the suspect. Everyone gets monitored, photographed, tracked and targeted.
> The FAA, citing concerns over the need to regulate air traffic and establish 
> anti-collision rules for the aircrafts and their operators, has thus far been 
> reluctant to grant broad approval for the use of UAVs in American airspace. 
> However, unbeknownst to most Americans, remote controlled aircraft have been 
> employed domestically for years now. They were first used as a national 
> security tool for patrolling America's borders and then as a means of 
> monitoring citizens. For example, back in 2006, the Los Angeles County 
> Sheriff's Department was testing out a SkySeer drone for use in police work. 
> With a 6.5-foot wingspan, the lightweight SkySeer can be folded up like a 
> kite and stored in a shoulder pack. At 250 feet, it can barely be seen with 
> the naked eye.
> As another news story that same year reported, "one North Carolina county is 
> using a UAV equipped with low-light and infrared cameras to keep watch on its 
> citizens. The aircraft has been dispatched to monitor gatherings of 
> motorcycle riders at the Gaston County fairgrounds from just a few hundred 
> feet in the air-close enough to identify faces-and many more uses, such as 
> the aerial detection of marijuana fields, are planned." In 2007, insect-like 
> drones were seen hovering over political rallies in New York and Washington, 
> seemingly spying on protesters. An eyewitness reported that the drones 
> "looked kind of like dragonflies or little helicopters."
> Drone technology has advanced dramatically in the ensuing years, with 
> surveillance drones getting smaller, more sophisticated and more lethal with 
> each evolution. Modeling their prototype for a single-winged rotorcraft on 
> the maple seed's unique design, aerospace engineering students at the 
> University of Maryland have created the world's smallest controllable 
> surveillance drones, capable of hovering to record conversations or movements 
> of citizens.
> Thus far, the domestic use of drones has been primarily for surveillance 
> purposes and, as far as we know, has been limited in scope. Eventually, 
> however, police departments and intelligence agencies will make drones a 
> routine part of their operations. However, you can be sure they won't limit 
> themselves to just surveillance.
> Police today use whatever tools are at their disposal in order to anticipate 
> and forestall crime. This means employing technology to attain total control. 
> Technology, which functions without discrimination because it exists without 
> discrimination, tends to be applied everywhere it can be applied. Thus, the 
> logical aim of technologically equipped police who operate as technicians 
> must be control, containment and eventually restriction of freedom.
> In this way, under the guise of keeping Americans safe and controlled, 
> airborne drones will have to be equipped with an assortment of lethal and 
> nonlethal weapons in order to effectuate control of citizens on the ground. 
> The arsenal of nonlethal weapons will likely include Long Range Acoustic 
> Devices (LRADs), which are used to break up protests or riots by sending a 
> piercing sound into crowds and can cause serious hearing damage; 
> high-intensity strobe lights, which can cause dizziness, disorientation and 
> loss of balance and make it virtually impossible to run away; and tasers, 
> which administer a powerful electric shock.
> Since June 2001, over 350 people, including women, children and elderly 
> individuals, have died in the U.S. after being shocked with "non-lethal" 
> tasers. "Imagine how incidents would skyrocket," notes Paul Joseph Watson for 
>, "once the personal element of using a Taser is removed and 
> they are strapped to marauding surveillance drones, eliminating any 
> responsibility for deaths and injuries that occur."
> "Also available to police," writes Watson, "will be a drone that can fire 
> tear gas as well as rubber pellets to disperse anyone still living under the 
> delusion that they were born in a democratic country." In fact, the French 
> company Tecknisolar Seni has built a drone armed with a double-barreled 44 mm 
> Flash-Ball gun. The one-kilo Flash-Ball resembles a large caliber handgun and 
> fires so-called non-lethal rounds, including tear gas and rubber impact 
> rounds to bring down a suspect. Despite being labeled a "non-lethal weapon," 
> this, too, is not without its dangers. As David Hambling writes for Wired 
> News, "Like other impact rounds, the Flash-Ball is meant to be aimed at the 
> body-firing from a remote, flying platform is likely to increase the risk of 
> head injury."
> One thing is clear: while the idea of airborne drones policing America's 
> streets may seem far-fetched, like something out of a sci-fi movie, it is no 
> longer in the realm of the impossible. Now, it's just a matter of how soon 
> you can expect them to be patrolling your own neighborhood. The crucial 
> question, however, is whether Americans will be able to limit the 
> government's use of such surveillance tools or whether we will be caught in 
> an electronic nightmare from which there is no escape.

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