Begin forwarded message:

> From: "R Mangan" <>
> Date: July 13, 2010 8:51:16 PM PDT
> To: <>
> Cc: "R Mangan" <>
> Subject: [CTRL] CBS and the RFK Case/response
> I just read Lisa Pease's article about the CBS debacle re their intended  
> pre-arranged on camera  interview with Sirhan in Corcoran Prison in 
> September, 1997.  I found the article interesting and well written. The 
> reason I am responding at this time is that Part Seven on my web site 
>   includes a  copy of a letter from Sirhan to me on 
> this very subject.  (my friend has promised to add Part Seven on my web site 
> sometime later this week)
> I want to add this thought - Teeter trusted the CBS team and he he felt the 
> publicity would be very helpful - but I insisted on CBS first  getting 
> written approval from the prison warden before Sirhan would meet and speak 
> with CBS interviewers on camera. And so as soon as we returned to LA (from 
> that testy prison visit) I immediately wrote to Sirhan and warned him to NOT 
> meet with CBS team at the pre-arranged location /time  at the fence of his 
> excercise area . (see page 126  of my Part Seven addition).
> Yes, I blocked their plans because I refused to participate in any activity 
> that involved breaking prison rules.  I also telephoned the warden to inform 
> him of what had transpired. In fact during that prison visit we sat at a 
> table directly beneath the visiting room camera! If that wasn't a bungling 
> prison caper I don't know what it was.
> Rose Lynn Mangan

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