Roman Polanski's freedom -- and  unmitigated gall By Eugene Robinson
Tuesday, July 13, 2010 For Roman  Polanski, the long, unspeakable nightmare 
of being confined to his three-story  chalet in Gstaad, the luxury resort 
in the Swiss Alps, is finally over. The  fugitive director is free once again 
to stroll into town, have a nice meal,  maybe do a little shopping at the 
local Cartier, Hermes or Louis Vuitton  boutiques....

Anyone tempted to feel Polanski's pain should take a closer  look at the 
case. In 1977, when he was 43, Polanski lured a 13-year-old girl to  a house 
in the Hollywood hills owned by Jack Nicholson -- the actor was not home  at 
the time -- and plied her with drugs and champagne before having sex with  

Polanski and his lawyers claimed that the sex was consensual. That's  
absurd as a legal argument, since the girl was too young to give her consent.  
But the girl's grand jury testimony makes clear that this was anything but a  
no-fault romp. She testified that Polanski, on the ruse of photographing her 
and  wanting to make her a star, persuaded her to pose nude and then 
assaulted  her.

She testified that Polanski raped and sodomized her, against her  will, and 
that she was distraught before, during and after the act. The director  was 
indicted on six felony charges, including rape by use of drugs and child  
molestation, but he was allowed to plead guilty to one count of unlawful 
sexual  intercourse. Polanski, who spent about a month and a half in jail, 
thought he  had a deal that would get him off with nothing worse than 90 days 
confinement  under psychiatric observation. But when the judge had second 
thoughts about  going through with such a lenient deal, Polanski fled. He has 
been on the lam  ever since._

Please note that  Alison Miller and Flower have traded months and that the 
date for the July  Webinar has changed. Dr. Miller will be our next 
presenter, on July 24.
Saturday, July 24, noon to 2:00 Pacific time
Alison Miller,  Ph.D., "Self-injury, Flashbacks, and Flooding as Programmed 
Responses, and How  to Deal with Them." 

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