Ritual Abuse Conference - August 6 - 8, 2010

DOJ  report says child porn on the rise (AP) – 8/2/10 WASHINGTON — The 
spread of  child pornography, fueled by technology and the Internet, is 
outpacing efforts  to combat it, the Justice Department said Monday in a report 
Congress that  promises more arrests, prosecutions and better coordination 
among federal, state  and local authorities. Attorney General Eric Holder 
said the distribution of  child pornography, the number of images being shared 
online and violence against  child victims all have increased. "Tragically, 
the only place we've seen a  decrease is in the age of victims," Holder said 
in a speech at the National  Center for Missing and Exploited Children in 
Alexandria, Va. 

The report,  ordered by Congress in legislation approved two years ago, 
concedes that the  market for child pornography continues to grow rapidly and 
determining its size  is impossible. "The number of offenders accessing the 
images and videos and the  quantity of images and videos being traded is 
unknown," the report said....The  increased attention to fighting child 
pornography already has led to record  numbers of prosecutions and tips. More 
8,600 people have been prosecuted at  the federal level since October 2006. 
State and local authorities focused on the  use of the Internet in child 
sexual exploitation reported that documented  complaints of online enticement 
children more than tripled from 2004 to 2008  and complaints of child 
prostitution rose more than 10 times.

Utah judge orders Aug. 18 hearing for FLDS sect leader Warren Jeffs July  
28, 2010 SALT LAKE CITY - A Southern Utah judge has set an Aug. 18 date for a 
 hearing on a request that polygamous sect leader Warren Jeffs be granted a 
 speedy trial. Jeffs was charged in 5th District Court in 2006 with two 
counts of  felony rape as an accomplice. A jury convicted him of both counts 
the following  year. But the Utah Supreme Court reversed the convictions 
Tuesday and sent the  case back for a new trial. Within hours, Jeffs' defense 
attorneys, Wally Bugden  and Tara Isaacson, filed a motion seeking a "speedy 
trial before a jury of his  peers." Court papers also say Jeffs "has been 
incarcerated for many months."  

At a news conference Tuesday, Bugden said he planned to seek bail for  
Jeffs, 54, the ecclesiastical head of the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ 
of Latter Day Saints. The Southern Utah-based church practices polygamy in  
marriages arranged by FLDS Church leaders. On Wednesday, Judge James 
Shumate,  who presided over the 2007 trial, ordered a hearing on a retrial. 
 Washington County Attorney Brian Filter has said officials haven't decided 
how  they'll proceed in the case. Prosecutors first plan to meet with the 
victim and  law enforcement and conduct a legal analysis of the high court's 
ruling, Filter  said. 

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