Date: Sun, 8 Aug 2010 14:57:50 -0400
Subject: Videos, websites, and commentary

A new video is available for viewing on the Starchild website (see link below). 
It is 9:51 of highlights from a lecture filmed by Jonathan Kerr-Smith in 
London. It briefly covers some background issues, but focuses strongly on the 
latest genetic developments, hopefully making clear their historic importance. 
In addition to the video, below is a message from our geneticist to make clear 
what we have and what we hope to do with it when we secure the money we need to 
proceed. If you know any millionaires who might have open minds, and whom you 
can personally contact on our behalf, please let them know we're still looking 
for our investor. We'll be happy to provide to them proof of our project's 
legitimacy, and its outstanding prospects for return on investment.

"Sequencing the Starchild's genome from the bone samples is technically similar 
to what has been done with the Neanderthal genome, with the great advantage 
that any kind of contamination, including human DNA, can be easily ruled out by 
comparison with existing databases of genome sequences. What we seek are 
stretches of sequences that are not even similar to any existing species from 
the animal kingdom. Essentially, we are looking for DNA proof of a new, 
previously unknown, species. We already have several stretches of such DNA that 
does not show any similarity to species within the animal kingdom. Yet the 
final conclusion about a new species can be accomplished only when we recover 
DNA sequences that can be translated into a protein with a predictable 
As you see, he's saying we definitely have proof that part of the Starchild's 
nuclear DNA is not found within Earth's animal kingdom. Unfortunately, his 
discovery is only partial, not yet enough to slam the lid shut on skeptics. But 
that is coming. When he has the entire genome in hand, enough to translate some 
sequences into never-before-seen proteins, that will nail the lid tight and 
change history forever. It is within our grasp to do that right now. All we 
need is help finishing the job that is already well underway. 

Another video I consider important to be aware of is this one from 1995 by the 
Walt Disney Company when they were opening a new "Tomorrowland" pavilion. It 
only played in five cities, once, and never again. You will see it is 
introduced by Michael Eisner, CEO of Disney then, and hosted by Robert Urich. 
First class all the way, but then "disappeared" after it was shown. To see it 
requires a 45 minute investment of time, but I found it well worthwhile. 
A much shorter video at 4:38 shows a new kind of road surface that intrigued me 
when I saw it. I think anyone would be impressed by the idea of turning garbage 
and glass into electrical generation for the future. Wow! 
Also, the Conscious Media Network has countless more videos for anyone who is 
Lastly, something for fun. Below is a link to truly creative photos by Sergey 
Larenkov, who takes color shots of modern scenes and then superimposes on them 
old black-and-white photos from the WWII era. Very visually arresting!

Finally, please help spread the word about our situation with the Starchild 
Skull, and our need to secure an investor to move the project forward. We need 
a great deal of money now because the size of what we're doing has grown to 
such incredible proportions. We're in position to establish the reality of a 
new species with high intelligence!!! Does it get any bigger than THAT??? 


Lloyd Pye

Starchild eBook:
Starchild paperback book:

Everything You Know Is Wrong:

Mismatch (hi-tech spy thriller):

A Darker Shade of Red (football novel):
YouTube address:



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