What a Legal Pot Economy Would Look Like? 

The Flower 

August 10, 2010 - Sometimes a cartoon can be worth 
1000 words. ... or even more than 100,000. Haik 
Hoisington's 'Flower' video has hit a nerve and has 
gone viral on the Internet. The Flower was released 
by the online news service AlterNet on July 29 - and 
in just 5 days has been viewed more than 175,000 times. 

This fall Californians will go the polls with a chance 
to make history. They will be able to cast a vote to 
tax and regulate marijuana like alcohol or cigarettes. 
California's Proposition 19 is one of many similar 
initiatives cropping up on state ballots across the country. 

Whether it's calls for decriminalization or medical 
marijuana the end of cannabis prohibition has never 
seemed closer. In this short animated parable, "The 
Flower", award winning artist Haik Hoisington contrasts a 
legal marijuana economy with an illegal one, to show how 
everyone stands to benefit from ending the war on weed. 

"The Flower" contrasts a utopian society that freely 
farms and consumes a pleasure giving flower with 
a society where the same flower is illegal and its 
consumption is prohibited. The animation is a meditation 
on the social and economic costs of marijuana prohibition. 

It isn't "freely farms and consumes" if "tax[ed] and 
regulate[d ...] like alcohol or cigarettes." Lose excise 
taxation, already! (Doesn't mean no charge for leases 
and severance of federal territory, such as offshore 
minerals/oil, flight paths, exclusive interstate use 
of electromagnetic spectrum, etc.) Only the oppressors 
dread the direct Tax. And that means apportioned (State 
Rate Tax), not the feral government (and California) 
extorting tax directly from individual people. 

Quit pandering to the taxers and commissars, 
and demand free access to (and right not to 
have imposed on oneself) all plants God gave. 

Okay; "like alcohol or cigarettes." Don't tax, 
block access to, or subsidise those, either. 
(Adieu, BATFE, CIA, DEA and IRS!) 

Quoting Jeffery J. Smith, 
President, Forum on Geonomics: 
Land Rights course: http://www.course.earthrights.net/ 
Share Earth's worth to prosper and conserve. 

The Flower 

(Also embedded at http://www.informationliberation.com/?id=31783 ) 


Judge Gray: U.S. Drug Policy / America's Biggest Issue? - video 


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