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> From: Jonathan Mark <>
> Date: August 15, 2010 8:36:52 AM PDT
> To: Flyby News <>
> Subject: World Health Officials Cited for Pandemic Fraud +
> Flyby News 
> Editor - Jonathan Mark
> August 13, 2010 - 
> Editor's Notes: I am sending to lists I have that I have not been using for a 
> while. [If you are interested in getting more updates from Flyby News, 
> subscribe (free) at bottom of or reply by email.] With a sense 
> of urgency, Dr. Leonard Horowitz requested our actions to shine light on this 
> issue. Please investigate, forward, and consider joining Healthy World 
> Affiliates to support efforts to produce awareness, health, and love in our 
> world.
> 12 August 2010 - Tetrahedron -
> WHO Cited for Pandemic Fraud;
> Journalists Murdered, and Defamed 
> By Drug Industry Conspiracy 
> Tetrahedron, LLC
> Health Science Communication for People Around the World
> Release: PharmaWHO-1
> Date Mailed: Aug 12, 2010
> For Immediate Release
> Contact: Sherri Kane--310-877-3002 ; 
> London-- Drug industry officials are being indicted for conspiring against 
> people worldwide in the fraudulent WHO promoted swine flu campain of 2009. 
> But the conspiracy, in which a third of the officials on the emergency 
> committee are now criminally implicated for conflicting financial interests 
> and promoting the false fright to sell and deploy billions of dollars in 
> risky vaccinations, extends worldwide. In US, one journalist has been 
> murdered and two others' lives are threatened.
>    The first journalists to bring the "PharmaWHO" fraud to light, Dr. Leonard 
> G. Horowitz, and Jane Burgermeister, are both in serious jeopardy from 
> BigPhama reprisals. Horowitz has been falsely framed in the recent murder of 
> Britain's leading
> financial whistleblower, Edward Harle; while Burgermeister is fighting 
> against attacks by Austrian government officials instigated by BigPharma 
> operatives.
> "The companies and officials now indicted for the swine flu vaccination 
> fraud, are the ones Jane and I fingered from the beginning of BigPharma's 
> corrupt campaign," Dr. Horowitz, the Editor-in-Chief of Medical Veritas 
> journal, said."Pharma-bosses' hit squads are now assassinating 
> journalist/whistleblowers, and have agent provocateurs attacking 
> Burgermeister and me hideously on the Internet and in person."
>    Recently murdered journalists include Don Harkins, editor of the Idaho 
> Observer, America's leading voice of BigPharma resistance, whose wife, Ingri 
> Cassel Harkins, is the national director of Vaccination Liberation 
> Organization.Harkins and Cassel were at the forefront of protecting people 
> against drug industry propaganda and risky vaccinations when Harkins received 
> a fatal radiation exposure from one or more suspects currently under 
> investigation for his murder. Horowitz dedicated his film, PHARMAWHORES, as a 
> Harkin's memorial.
> Investigative journalist, Sherri Kane, who wrote for Fox News in Los Angeles, 
> is also being vigorously libeled and physically threatened after reporting on 
> Dr. Horowitz's framers in another recent murder of Edward Harle, a British 
> financial analyst. Kane received threats from two persons identified in a 
> global network of disinformants--Timothy Patrick White, and a man named "True 
> Ott," that she posts ongoing threats from on her blog.
>  White similarly harassed ex-CIA agent, Barbara Hartwell, who reported, 
> "White made a deal with criminal government operatives and law enforcement 
> personnel, for a get-out-of-jail-free card in 2002. . . . [He] seeks out any 
> and every high profile whistleblower, patriot or investigator he hears about, 
> reads about, or otherwise learns about." 
> Since his release from prison, White has been involved in covert operations 
> ranging from severe harassment, and false murder charges, to discrediting 
> whistle-blowers. Harkins and Harle were journalist/whistleblowers, as is 
> Horowitz. Harle reported death threats from the
> CIA days before his murder. Horowitz is "very clear" he is being set up to be
> murdered by this same team.
>   White was made a suspect by True Ott in e-mails referencing Greg Szymanski 
> as the source of Horowitz's libel. Ott and Szymanski co-promote their "Bible 
> Believer" theology on radio, and extensively in writings. Their subjects 
> feature satanism in politics and the church, and they herald Eric John 
> Phelps's idea that Jews, Roman Catholics, and Jesuits are behind most 
> problems in the world. Their international group of Bible Believers say they 
> are persecuted as heretics, since, in Phelps's words, "all Protestants and 
> all Jews-puts all of us under more than 100 curses . . ." 
>  This highly-trained gang of professional agent provocateurs are now 
> implicated in Harle's and Harkins's murders by way of the CIA's link to 
> White. Hartwell published a lengthy report on White, whose history matches 
> perfectly with the persecution Dr. Horowitz is getting by these agents. 
>  Szymanski and Ott generated the discrediting libel against Horowitz, claimed 
> he was a "Knights of Malta" member, with Szymanski generating a false list of 
> knights. Their extensive network of radical Bible Believers, based in 
> Vancouver, BC, widely distributed their list and disinformation, setting 
> Horowitz up to be assassinated by a religious fanatic. 
> The forged "Knights of Malta" list was used by journalist Benjamin Fulford, a 
> Canadian working in Japan, linked to the "'Black Dragon Society,' which, 
> folks, in case you didn't know, are JAPANESE ASSASSINS," Harle protested 
> after receiving his death threat from Fulford.
>   Fulford, previously with Forbes magazine, is widely known on the Internet 
> for being personal friends with David Rockefeller. It is common knowledge 
> that David Rockefeller exercises extensive influence over the WHO and 
> pharmaceutical industry--BigPharma--now proven to have defrauded the public 
> to sell billions of dollars in risky, possibly deadly, H1N1 vaccines.
> End
> NOTE TO JOURNALISTS: Sherri Kane and Dr. Leonard Horowitz are pleading to 
> members of the press, and general public, to distribute and investigate this 
> story, as their lives are being threatened. Ms. Kane's blog ( 
> contains a lengthy 
> detailed report. Dr. Horowitz has published his affidavit on this matter, 
> available HERE ( 
> ). 
> Following receipt of this article's draft, Ms. Burgermeiseter wrote, "Dr. 
> Horowitz and Sherri Kane have played a key role in informing people about the 
> swine flu scam. They are being subjected to unprecedented harassment along 
> with other swine flu whistleblowers like myself." 
> 217 Cedar St., Suite #326, Sandpoint, ID 83864; 
> Tel 208-265-8065; (E-mail)
> "Knighting Controversy" or Murder One? 
> Journalists Exposed for Negligence, Fraud, and Libel 
> in the Murder of Edward Harle (a.k.a., Christopher Story)
> 09 August 2010 - - Blog
> Seduce, Discredit, Separate, Intimidate, 
> Incarcerate, and Assassinate:
> A Look Into Edward Harle's Murder, 
> Benjamin Fulford's Fraud, and 
> Why the Truth Never Reaches The Masses
> 13 July 2010 - YouTube - GCTV
> Leonard Horowitz and Sherri Kane
> Interviewed by Jonathan Mark on July 1, 2010
> Above link is to youtube part 1 of 6
> For complete interview in high resolution
> Link below, in alphabetical order under:
> Flyby News 
> You can support Flyby News by joining
> Healthy World Affiliates 
> {Joining is free; no purchase required}
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> Feedback for story suggestions and networking Flyby News is appreciated.
> You can write to the editor by email: - flyby(at}mtdata{dot)com -
> Flyby News is educational and nonviolent in focus,
> and has supported critical campaigns for a healthy 
> environment, human rights, justice, and nonviolence, 
> since the launch of NASA's Cassini space probe in 1997.
> News Fit to Transmit in the Post Cassini Flyby Era

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