Iraq Inquiry Commission, 
Han Blix Testimony, part 1 
10.07.27 video: 

Former United Nations weapons inspector Hans Blix testified before the 
British Iraq Inquiry. He told the five-member panel that the invasion of 
Iraq was illegal and that the U.S. and Britain relied on poor intelligence 
sources leading up to the 2003 invasion. He said that inspectors failed to 
uncover any weapons of mass destruction in Iraq and that the U.S. was 
dismissive of opposing views. The British Iraq inquiry is an independent 
panel examining British involvement in the war and the circumstances which 
led to it, and will issue a report which will then be debated in Parliament. 


Iraq Inquiry Commission, 
Han Blix Testimony, part 2 
10.07.27 video: 


Iraq Inquiry Commission, Baroness Eliza Manningham-Buller Testimony 

A New Cold War: Inside Nuclear Iran - video 

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